🍃The Second & Challenged Son 🍃

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((Based on a Country Roleplay + NevermoreUppercrust's Country Bradley Uppercrust picture by NevermoreUppercrust & Me. Judge, Helen, Clyde, Cameron are OCs of mine. We lost a lot of the Roleplay but this part of this new one is special))

((The title picture belongs to driftcakes or you can find at their Instagram is @ zombie.stein))

'And she meant it too, Although life is never easy and filled with trials. Bradley and Y/n broke up years ago after they had finished college, Y/n gave birth to their own son: Bradley Uppercrust the Fourth of B.J for short, they met again during Christmas rekindling their love and married as well bringing a daughter named Tori into the world which Judge and Helen were overjoyed to have great grandchildren. The elderly Goofs met Bradley again at the wedding but sadly Judge had a heart attack at B.J's seventh birthday party and told Bradley some advice along with giving him an old black and white photo from his jacket of himself and his grandfather when they first founded the Gamma Mu Mu fraternity house.

(Judge) *coughs wheezing* "Kid... mmmm! Promise me you'll never forget everything I taught ya.... Love your family and friends. Don't let your pride consume you ever again...." He said wheezing as Helen cried softly holding his hand close. "I love you, Doll so much... I'll be watching over you all.." he said as he looked up at the bright blue sky smiling sadly seeing a young Bradley the First. "Hey, Bradley it's been a long time. My old friend." He said as he exhaled one last time and his spirit showed to everyone along with Bradley Uppercrust the First younger then when they passed on. Judge wore his old race track uniform that bore his last name. Judge looked over at Bradley the Third showing he looked like Max but had thick black hair neatly combed back, he smiled warmly. "Always watchin' after you, Kiddo." He said as he got into a old race car with his grandfather. "Take care of my family for me, I'm counting on ya." He said before driving into the twilight skyline.

Once old Judd was totally out of view, Bradley was consumed by his emotions. He fell helplessly to his knees as heartbroken sobs escaped his lips. Hot, fat tears cascaded like a waterfall down his cheeks and into the dirt. Judge had been one of the most important people in his life during the past few years, and just like that, he was gone. Bradley's fists made contact with the ground over and over again. He was infuriated by Judge's sudden departure. Why couldn't he have stayed longer?! Why did he have to just give up like that? Bradley knew he could have stayed strong! But he didn't. And now the poor boy was left without a mentor, and mourning the loss of a friend.

Y/n quickly grabbed Bradley's now bloody hands from the impact of the gravel and hard earth of their backyard as the sunset behind their home.

(Y/n)- "Bradley stop, Look at me." She said honestly as tears run down her cheeks for her grandfather. "My grandfather left things behind, he left a legacy behind but do you know what he told me when I told him I was marrying you?" She questioned as she hugged him close to her heart. "He looked outside at his farm and said..."

(Judge)- "I knew it would happen again one day. Helen, Bradley, Gregory, Max, You, B.J, and now that kid. My family and friends has always been those I'll live for and through. I'm not goin to live forever, N/n. I'm old but I lived a full life and I got no regrets. I became a soldier, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a mentor to many, and a great grandfather." He said honestly before walking up to his granddaughter as they were having the wedding at the weeping willow tree where their names were carved in the bark. "I'm leaving something behind for Bradley once I leave." He said as he escorted Y/n to Goofy and walked towards Bradley smiling at him. "Protect them, kid just like I taught you." He said smiling at the youngest Uppercrust.

Bradley Uppercrust the Third x Y/n Oneshots/StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now