Chapter 12 - Daenerys

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Dedicating this one to MyW0rldx for all your lovely comments! <3

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Lyon had packed spare clothes for just the occasion and had passed them on to Daario, who gave them to Daenerys. Still, Lyon was reluctant to truly greet her half-sister. Even as they spent the night in Vaes Dothrak, Lyon camped by her lonesome as she let Jorah and Daario catch up with their queen. The night went undisturbed. Come morning they had horses again and began riding out of Vaes Dothrak, a whole khalasar at their side.

Lyon scouted ahead, eyeing the horizon for anything. But there was nothing, and there would be nothing. All this just so she could put off introductions. Pathetic. Why was she more afraid of meeting her own flesh and blood when she hadn't bat an eyelash at the prospect of fighting in the pits? Had her courage waned so much? She wished she had Maergery here to fill her with confidence. She always knew how. Lyon wished her wife was with her now, squeezing her hand in reassurance.

Lyon cast a glance behind her. Daenerys was like a beacon amidst the Dothraki horde that trailed her. She was only watching for a moment before she realized Daenerys had stopped. Lyon circled her horse around, watching as Daenerys shared words with Jorah. They exchanged heartfelt words, if Lyon judged their expressions accurately. She turned away out of respect for their privacy, but it wasn't long before she heard Jorah's horse heading toward her. No doubt Dany's and Daario's eyes followed him.

When he slowed to a trot next to Lyon, he spoke. "This is where we part ways, I'm afraid."

"You're leaving?"

"I have been banished twice by our queen. Now I must leave once more."

"Twice? Quite the record you've got yourself, Mormont." She grinned, but it lacked her usual enthusiasm. "So, is she banishing you again?"

"In a way. She wants me to find a cure."

Lyon frowned. "Is... is there one for Greyscale?"

"I do not know," he sighed. "But I must obey. I hope to return. And I hope to see you by her side when I do." Jorah offered her a small smile of encouragement, and despite herself, Lyon's eyes welled with emotion. From a belt at her side, she withdrew a dagger.

"This.. well, this dagger isn't particularly important. I'm afraid I don't have anything of my own anymore, but I want you to have it. A token of friendship. That's what you've become, Jorah Mormont. My friend. Thank you for your kindness." Lyon flipped the dagger so the handle faced Jorah. He took it, slowly, as if the gift had a weight that couldn't be measured.

"Thank you," he said. "I hope I do return."

"You will." Lyon found herself saying with conviction. "If anyone can find a cure, it'll be you. I have not known you long, but I know you'll do whatever it takes to protect Daenerys, meaning you'll do whatever it takes to find that cure."

A look passed between them, a final goodbye, and then Jorah Mormont urged his horse toward the wilderness. Lyon paused to watch him go, tearing her eyes away only when he disappeared. She looked behind her. Daenerys and her Dothraki horde grew closer- the Queen herself stared directly at her, all the while she conversed with Daario. Lyon's anxiety pricked at her. Were they talking about her?

Suddenly, Daenerys rode ahead, coming straight for Lyon. She did not stop, not even as her horse rode past Lyon, and Dany disappeared around a bend. Lyon turned to Daario, mouthed 'what's she doing?', but Daario just shrugged.

Several minutes passed, then a great roar rose on the wind. Lyon's eyes rose to the sky to find a massive black shadow shoot up from behind the mountainside, a silver haired figure along it's back. Drogon soared over the Dothraki horde, circling twice before landing before them and sending up a spray of sand. Lyon urged her horse to a gallop and reunited with the horde, facing the dragon she had met only once before and very briefly. This time Lyon found her blood roaring in her ears at the mere presences of the majestic creature. It was as though a thread connected her, Drogon, and Daenerys, and it was becoming shorter and shorter.

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