Bin Sarang owns twenty pairs of sunglasses. Not just any normal pairs of sunglasses, but specially made ones, so there's no possible way to see her eyes behind them.
When Sarang first met her roommate Soo, after seeing a 'roommate wanted' post online, the young biochemist thought Sarang just had weird fashion sense. She was able to convince her that she has a disease that makes her eyes sensitive to light. Apparently the story's pretty convincing, because Soo hasn't brought up the sunglasses since.
Sarang wears her trusty sunglasses everywhere. During the day, at night, in their apartment, at work, and pretty much anytime she's around people. It's like a protective shield. As long as she has the glasses covering her eyes she feels less anxious.
There was one incident when she tripped in the convenience store and her glasses flew off her face. She was scrambling around with her eyes squeezed shut for a good five minutes searching for her glasses like Velma from Scooby Doo.
Though she might get strange looks when she walks around at night with her dark glasses, at least it keeps everyone and herself safe.
She only reveals her eyes when it's necessary. Other than that, most people have never seen Bin Sarang's eyes...and she hopes they never will.
"Come on baby where you going?"
Sarang halts in her tracks, the grocery bag swinging slightly from the abrupt stop.
"I'm just trying to get home."
"A pretty lady like yourself shouldn't be walking alone at night."
Sarang's head turns left towards the intersecting street. As if it was pulled from a stereotypical damsel in distress scene, a tall man towers over a woman on the sidewalk.
Sarang's feet carry her before she can think and she changes course to the altercation.
"Sir, I believe you're making her uncomfortable."
The two look at her simultaneously. The man looks up surprised then glares daggers at her sunglasses.
The man's eyebrows scrunch in irritation, "Stay out of other people's businesses!"
"Sir please, just let the woman pass and I'll leave you alone."
His fists clench as he moves the woman out of his way and steps in front of Sarang fuming, "You're really staring to piss me off! Why don't you just walk away before I make you!"
Sarang just stares at him silently and turns around as if to leave. After a moment the man backs away and moves to the woman. She flinches as he pins her against the wall, thinking Sarang left. The woman tries to push him off with her hand, but he grabs her wrist and she yelps.
"Last chance...take your hands off of her."
His head snaps to Sarang and his nostrils flare, "Or what? You'll politely ask me to leave again!?"
Sarang calmly walks forward and before the man can swing at her, she takes off her glasses. The man's face visibly relaxes as his feet glue to the ground. His eyelids droop and a lazy smile spreads across his face. The woman gasps in surprise at Sarang's red eyes that glow in the night.
She stares into his eyes and speaks in a sweet voice, "You're so tired, you should go home and get some rest."
His back slouches slightly, "I'm so tired, I should go home and get some rest."
She puts a hand under his chin and he leans into it smiling even more, "And when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will treat every woman you meet with respect."

Fanfiction"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "No, but it did when I crawled from hell." She lives in a normal apartment, with a normal roommate, and works as a normal assistant at her normal least she tells herself that. Born with a unique gift...