Todoroki x shy! Neko reader

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"H-hey Momo?"
The ravenette turns and smiles at her shy friend. "Hello (Y/l/n). Is something wrong?"
"A-are you dating Shoto?" The girl stutters and looks at her feet.
The taller girl is shocked by the question and turns beet red. She stumbles over her own words.
The lack of response causes the girl to rub her furry ears.
Her tail sways slowly and curls around her body.
"No I um...we're not together no." Momo finally manages to respond.
A spark of hope returns to the Neko girl. A smile appears on her face.
"Do you have a crush on Todoroki?"
(Y/n) blushes but nods. "Y-yeah. But please don't tell anyone. H-he doesn't feel the same. How could he like an anti-social Neko freak like me."
It was a rhetorical question of course but Momo took it upon herself to answer anyways.
"(Y/n) you are a sweet, smart and funny girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you. If Todoroki doesn't feel the same he's crazy."
(Y/n) scoffs softly. "Yeah right."
"Why don't you ask him then? Just remember, if he doesn't like you back, it's not the end of the world."
The neko's eyes widen. "Y-you want me to talk to him? I-I can't do that."
The shyness comes back as her ears and tail pop up in surprise.
Momo laughs softly. "Ask Todoroki to meet you in the common room after everyone is asleep, that way you can have privacy. If things go south you can sleep in my dorm."
(Y/n) smiles at the offer. "I-I guess."

"Hey Yayorozou, (Y/l/n)." The red and white haired boy greets walking past them.
"Hi Todoroki. (Y/n) has something she needs to ask you."
The young girl's eyes widen in horror as she looks at her friend.
"Oh um...sure. What's up (y/l/n)?" Todoroki looks at (Y/n).
She could see a hint of a smile. "Could we talk tonight? In the common room after everyone is asleep."
The boy's smile shows more as he nods. "Yeah of course. What about?"
(Y/n) shakes her head. "I'll tell you then."
"Oh. Ok. I'll see you tonight then." He walks away to get ready for class.
The neko looks at her creation friend.
Momo laughs softly and walks away too.

Later that night, and everyone had gone to their rooms, (Y/n) made her way to the common room.
Her tail sways and her ears droop.
She couldn't help feeling nervous.
Todoroki on the other hand maintained his cool and collected demeanor. He is curious about what she needs to talk to him about.
(Y/n) looks out the window at the stars and smiles.
For a moment her nerves calm and all her worries disappear.
When Shoto arrives he sees her, moonlight illuminating her pretty face.
A small blush paints his cheeks but he shakes his head.
The girl's tail sways lightly as she turns.
"Shoto," she whispers.
"What did you need to talk about?"
(Y/n) bites her lip. "Um..." she trails off.
"Don't be nervous. You can ask me anything."
Hearing that (Y/n) steels her nerves and takes a deep breath. "I really like you Shoto. I would be honored if I could call you my boyfriend. But if you don't feel the same I understand. I'm sorry in advance."
Her fists clench at her sides and her eyes squeeze closed.
Todoroki is shocked at her confession. He never expected her to like him back. He believed she only thought of him as a classmate.
(Y/n) realizes it was a mistake to say anything.
His silence is confirmation.
She holds back tears and starts to walk past him.
He quickly grabs her hand and pulls her to his chest.
In a moment of panic the only thing his body could do was this.
His soft lips connect with hers.
(Y/n) is shocked but soon kisses back.
His hand tangles in her hair and the other placed just above her tail.
She smiles into the kiss and her tail wraps around his waist.

Slowly they pull away and laugh softly.
"I was convinced you only thought of me as your classmate. I'm so happy to know you like me back."
The girl nods quickly in agreement.
"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" The boy asks nervously.
(Y/n) nods and takes a step back.
He holds her hands in his, bringing them to his lips.
She blushes and her ears fold down.
"Sweet dreams," he whispers.
"You too." (Y/n) whispers back.
He turns and walks toward the elevator.
She smiles as she watches until the doors close. The girl giggles and walks to her dorm room on the third floor.

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