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Baby kal-el
Men in black

Martha and Johnathan kent are preparing diner talking about having a child when all of a sudden they here a loud boom.

Martha: What was that?!

Johnathan: Stay here, I'll go check it out.

Johnathan grabs his shotgun and leaves the house. He walks towards the explosion and sees a crashed space ship.

Johnathan: What the hell!

He walks towards the pod and steps back as it opens. He aims his shotgun and comes closer. The pod opens and is stunned by what he sees. Martha watches Johnathan step out of the crater to see him holding a baby.

Martha: Where did you get that?

Johnathan: He was inside that thing.

Martha: Who the hell would put a baby in there.

Johnathan: IDK but what do we do with it.

Martha: What do you mean?

Johnathan: Well we can't just leave him here.

Martha: What's wrong with keeping him.

Johnathan: He might have parents that could be looking for him.

Martha: His parents might be the ones that put him in that thing.

Johnathan: We don't know that.

They continue arguing until they finally reach the agreement that they should keep him. Martha and Johnathan walk over to the baby.

Martha: What should we call him

Johnathan: how abo-

They here knocking on their front door. Johnathan gets up open the door and see a man in a black suit talking to his earpiece.

Johnathan: Can we help you sir.
MIB: Good evening Mr. Kent, my team and I here are investing a report about a large explosion in the area.

Johnathan: Hm... Oh you mean that thing. I have no clue what that is. You can have it if you want.

MIB gets a call on his earpiece.

MIB: May we come in.

Johnathan: Sure come in.

The MIB enter the house and look around.

Johnathan: Martha we have guests.

Martha comes down

Martha: Good evening sir's my name is Martha, would you loke anything.

MIB: Its alright ma'am no need.

The MIB asks if they can sit and talk. They chat for a little while and the man starts talking about the spaceship outside.

MIB: do you have any children.

Martha: ye-

Johnathan: No. No we don't.

MIB: By any chance have you checked the explosion.

They go quiet.
Until Johnathan breaks the tension.

Johnathan: we never went out to check it. We just saw it and watched.

They here the baby crying upstairs.

MIB: strange I thought you said you didn't have children.

They go upstairs to check and see the baby.

MIB: I thought you said you didn't have children.

Johnathan: Oh I thought you meant biological children

MIB: Don't take us for fools Mr. Kent, now were did this child come from.

Martha: We adopted him.

MIB: may we see the adoption papers.

Martha leaves and comes back with fake adoption paper.

Martha: see.

The men analyze the paper.

MIB: Thomas Wayne memorial orphanage?

Martha: yes thats where we got him.

MIB: You went all the way to Gotham to adopt a child

Martha: Yes that's correct!

MIB: Ma'am I know your ly-

The MIB's eye begin to glow red

MIB: sorry for wasting your time. The MIB go down stairs and leave.

MIB: before I leave may I advise not to tell anyone about us, thank you.

  As they leave Johnathan could see something strange in the back of their car. It was an odd looking man with glowing red eyes.

Martha: That was a close. Now going back what do we call him.

Johnathan looks back and picks up the fake adoption papers.

Johnathan: I kinda like this name Clark.


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