°Just a Casual Run More or Less°

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I'm almost at my house
0.4 of a mile to go
Just keep--
"I'm so sorry dude" I look up to see a guy, very handsome may I add, offering me a hand. "No problem. I wasn't paying attention." I get up and brush off. "Well, I've got to get to my friend's apartment so I might see you around?" He calmly asks and I take in his features. Dark brown hair, soft brown eyes, gorgeous tan. "Yeah maybe. See ya!" I run away as I yell to the stranger who seems to roll through my memory. I wonder if... No it can't be him. A shrill ringing sound burns through my ear. "Hello." I gruffly answer my cell phone. "Why such a formal greeting for your brother?"
"Ian!" I gasp. I haven't seen my twin brother in years. "It is I, and I'm standing on your doorstep, waiting patiently for you to get home." He chuckles. "I'll be there in one second, bye." I hang up and run to my humble abode.


"Ian!" I embrace my brother who chuckles and hugs me back. "Why don't you ever visit me K?" Because of him. "I don't have the time." Lies. "Well, check your Twitter!" I open up Twitter to see

Just Moved to sunny LA to make my sister see me more often. @KennedyHecox

"That's amazing Ian!" I hug him again. "I invited some one to come visit you. An old friend." He had an evil smirk on his face. "When are they coming?" I reply. "Now." I look over to see the stranger I ran into earlier. Then it clicks. The realization is evident on our faces. Oh No... "Ian Andrew Hecox!", we say in sync. It's Him. Anthony Padilla, my brothers best friend.

Hey Bros

The First Chapter

Of The Rest Of The Book

Kalel Cullen is Kennedy Hecox

I loved Kalel's Iguana Green hair

I know the shade of green her hair was

Is that sad?

Well I'm rambling so we'll continue reading later



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