31: Rainy Night

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Harith's POV

I didn't bother my surroundings right now, I was to focus on walking out of no where, no idea where my legs bringing me. I also felt anger, from all did they say that 'never give up', 'don't lose hope', yet the one who was telling me those is the one who gave up.

I felt a water drop touches my skin, I look up and saw countless of rain drops falling from the night sky. I look at the ground, remembering someting from the past. The day when I lend the umbrella to her, tears start rolling from my eyes.

I look up in the sky again and shout in anger, more tears came out. I continuesly shout, didn't bother if someone heard and tried to help me. I kneeled down and continued yelling everything what I felt right now. I didn't care everything around me, even myself.

I just want to save her, I know she's mad at me, for being such a fool, letting someone to get close to her and did not know the target was caught. I still want to get her back, even though  they telling me to stop but I still forcing myself till I already get her into my arms safely.

The rain increased, a sound of a thunder was heard up in the sky as the rain became stronger. Other creatures are evacuating and finding a shelter to stay, while I'm just here kneeling on the ground and being hopeless under the rain.

Tears and rain drops was rolling on my skin, looking at the ground and no idea what to do or what to think. I just let myself being soaking wet.

Then suddenly I heard someone, I look at the side, only seeing trees and bushes. "Who's there?" I said, but I heard no response. I guess I'm just hallucinating.

Then I felt someone carried me and rushly move under the tree in just a blink of an eye. "What on earth are you doing in the middle of the rain?" A female voice ask, "None of your business." my rude response.

I heard she just let out a sigh, I can't see her face clearly since it was dark. I can only see that she was wearing a red cloak and she was holding a scythe.

I immidiatetly used my magic incase she's one of the abyss, she got panic as  she saw that. And while I was using it, I can see her face. She has blonde hair and has blue-green eyecolor. "Calm down okay? I'm an ally." she protested as she used her weapon as her protection. I stop using my magic and she put her weapon down.

"Tell me, what are you doing there and..." she didn't finished what she said, "And what?" I ask, "Why are you shouting in the middle of the night, your disturbing everyone's sleep." she rudely said. Did I really shout out loud?

"Let's just go," she said as she start walking, "Where are we going? And where will you bring me?" I ask. "My home, I'll take you there" she said, "Now stop asking questions and start moving before the rain will get stronger." then we both run.

Everywhere around me is dark, tress are just making it more darker. The ground was slippery too, so I almost slip but I manage to balance and continued running.

The girl that I'm with right now, she's fast as a wolf, good thing I can manage to run fast as her.

"Just continue running, there are some hidden creatures that hunts people." she warned me while running, "Yeah, thanks for the warning." I said.

I used my magic as light so I can see the way, "Don't, they'll hunt us here if they saw a light." she said, "But how can I see what I running, maybe i'll fall into a deep hole or-" I was finishing what was about to say as something pushed me and laid on the ground, it was a wolf.

Really, just a wolf? I can used my magic just to defeat this stupid dog.

I used my magic and throw some on it's face, it makes the wolf throw on the tree and get unconcious. Another wolf attack me, and not just one but two of them, and ofcourse I used my basic attacks and dash skills.

Another wolf ambushed me at my back and make me laid on the ground, it opens it's huge mouth and was about to bite me. But I heard a slashed that makes the wolf slice into half, the blood spurted out on my clothes and my face.

As the wolf was down, I saw the girl that was also spurted with blood. Her scythe was also covered with blood. "Told you not to use magic as light, and now you almost got died." she said, "It's just a simple stupid wolf okay?" I said, she just let out a sigh. "Let's just go, my home was near." she said, I stand up, and we both continued running.

Couple minutes have passed, the rain was still there but not as strong as before. "Here we are," she said, her house wasn't that small or neither big but I thought it would be comfortable to stay in here.

She opened the door, "Papa, I brought someone." oh, so she's not the only one. A guy came out, wearing a yellow coat. "Ruby, go change into dry clothes your so wet." he said, oh so her name is Ruby. "You have some extra clothes for this kid?" she ask and she point me.

The guy look at me, "Hmm, I'll check." he said as he went to a room. "I'll just take a quick bath okay? After you should do it to."  she said and I just nodded. Then she left, leaving me alone.

The guy came back and placed a spare of clothes on the table, and some towel too. "I'll cook something for you too eat, just stay there." he said then he left me again, I can only do for now is to stand here and wait.

Minutes have passed, Ruby came out. "Your turn kid," she said, then I took the towel and clothes that his father gave me and went to their bathroom. I went inside the shower and start to do some bath stuff.

After, I wipe myself with towel and wear clothes. I look at myself with the shirt that they let me wear it, it's fine but too huge so I tuck my shirt in my short.

I went out of the bathroom and saw Ruby wiping the blood from her scythe, she saw me looking at her. "Go at the kitchen, Papa is making food for you." she said, I nodded and look around for a moment. Then I went to their dining room.

The guy placed the food on the table, I just stand at the corner instead of doing there and sit. "Your free food was served kid." he said giving me a smile, I went to the table and sit and start eating.

"What's your name kid?" he ask, "H-Harith," I answered, "Hmm Harith," his recation as he heard my name, "We heard you shouting so loud, so Ruby come out and find you." he said. Wait did I really that out loud, this far?!

"We actually have wolves senses so we can hear any sound just like wolves." he said, so they were the only one who heard my voice, so loud of me. "And Harith," I hummed as my respond.

"Did you fight with sonebody, you have wounds and bruises." I look at my body, seeing some few damages at my body. I guess too much shouting earlier that I forget that I already forgot that I got hurt. I just ignored his question, later he let out a sigh.

Ruby came to join us, she also brought an aid kit as she sits beside me. "Let me heal your wounds." she said as she took my hand, and I just let her. Later, she wrapped all my bruises and wounds after she put something on my cuts to my skin. "Thanks," she just gave me a wry smile, "Your welcome." her reply.

Then I heard someone was comming here, I look at my back and saw other two people that was like same age as me. The one has long metal gray messy hair with huge horns and the other one has brown hair color that was tied into pony-tail.

Her face was also familiar, it took me for few seconds to realize who she was, then I suddenly remembered her name.


There, there...

Let's stop here for now... I always love making stories with cliff hangers, how rude.😂 New three characters for this story minna-san.

If you read some parts that I missed spelled, forgive me.😅 I was on a rush writing this story, and this is all for now.

See you Kitties and Raccoons💕😘

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