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She once again dreamt of that little crow and that dark forest.

Compared to before, she wasn't lying down this time around. She was sitting directly in front of the bird without saying a single word. And as it stared back at her with its dark and hallow eyes, she was strangely reminded of a certain someone.

It was as if the little animal was challenging her. To what exactly? She doesn't know. Yet there was something about that little eyes of his that's telling her to open her mouth and say something.

The forest was still dark, it was still cold and lonely. Despite of that, something has definitely changed. Underneath that little crow's-feet the grass was bright green and full of life. It was the direct contrast of the forest they're in and in a sense, a direct contrast of her and that short boy who was nothing but bright and fiery.

"Please disappear." Were the words that she wanted to say. Yet, it was also these words that she never did say.

No matter how much she wanted to. How much risk she was willing to take just for her to be able to, no words came out of her mouth. It was almost as if her body itself refused to tell that little crow to get lost and never show its face to her ever again.

"...you," she was finally able to utter a word, albeit not without any difficulty. "...why won't you disappear?" It was nothing but a whisper. Just a soft breeze leaving her mouth with no one to hear but her little companion.

The crow did not respond.

The dark forest was quiet as how it has always been. There was no wind, the leaves on the trees were on a standstill. This place was as lifeless as the heart she'd long since buried. People like her don't need a heart, she was sure of it. That was the only way she could truly love her everyday monotony. A heart makes a person crave for more things in life and with that want comes the need for a change, the only thing she never want to happen.

At least that's what she thought.

"...I don't want to change." The girl continued. "What's so wrong with wanting to stay the way I am?"

The little crow finally moved, with each step it took it painted the dull grass-green. "There's none." It finally spoke. The voice highly reminiscent of that boy with a spirit far too big for his own good.

"Tell me, is it really change that you're scared of?" It asked. "Or it is something else?"

"You..." it paused. "... what is it that you're actually running away from?"

She woke up a minute shy away from the alarm she had set the night before. The digital clock glared 5:45 in the morning, five minutes before the time she's supposed to wake up. She sighed heavily and the memory of her dream comes back rushing in. The girl tried not to think of the question the little animal asked her. It wasn't like she thought of it as irrelevant, far from it. She knows the answer to that question. She always had. And for the longest time she forced herself not to think about it.

The girl lied there until her alarm finally rang; a loud reminder of why she had to wake up so early that morning. She heaved a deep breath before finally getting off her bed. She wasn't going to let some bizarre dream affect her because that was all it was; a dream.

She took a quick shower and changed into her school uniform before finally knocking on her Mother's room. "It's morning," the girl said as she opened the door and approach the big lump of blanket on top of her bed. It stirred for a bit but didn't make any more movements after that. Sighing, she placed her hand on top of it and shake it, earning a whine of sort from the woman beneath it. "You need to be in Tokyo this afternoon, right? You have to wake up or you'll be late."

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