Hopefully First Impressions Don't Matter

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Ruby woke up looking at the clock. Perfect timing. Her alarm went off right as she got off her bed and she turned it off immediately. She got ready for her day and before going downstairs she looked at herself in her new school uniform through the mirror. "You can do this, don't worry, Ruby," she muttered to herself, reassuring herself. She went downstairs to find that, as expected, her parents were eating at the table. She sat down and joined them, talking with them in between bites. When she was done she looked at the clock. Just a few minutes until the perfect time to start walking. She went back upstairs and looked back at the mirror. She stared deep into her brown eyes, double thinking her hairdo choice. She sighed and let down her hair down from her ponytail. She put the band around her wrist and looked at her hair. Her hair was pretty curly and faded from her natural brown to a dirty-blonde that was bleached. She smiled, trying to make herself more confident. She looked at the clock. Time to go! Ruby grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to her parents as she walked out of the door. She was still unsure about her first day but she knew it would be great. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice she was about to walk into a boy she wouldn't see for the last time. "Gah!" Ruby yelled as she fell to the ground. The black haired boy was still standing luckily. "I haven't seen you so I'm guessing you must be new, correct?" He said holding his hand out to the girl still on the ground. "Yes, I'm Ruby, sorry for bumping into you!" She took his hand nervously and stood up. "I'm Auden and I'm guessing you aren't the best at first impressions, are you?" Ruby looked at her watch. "Well, as much as I would love to answer all of your endless questions, we have to get to school," Ruby began walking away as quickly as she could. Hopefully first impressions don't matter, or else I messed up badly. I just realized how much of a cliche that was. The girl bumps into the boy and the boy holds out their hand to help them up. For some reason his sharp green eyes are burnt into my eyes... No! I'm just being caught up in stereotypes. I walked into the school going to the office. The receptionist smiled at me and asked, "How may I help you? Are you the new student?" Ruby nodded and she handed me my schedule and a map of the school. "Thank you!" She walked out of the office and walked around since she had a small bit of time before class. Ruby walked around and found my class, but she kept walking and looking around. Ruby found the clubs and they all seemed amazing, but she had always had a passion for a particular activity that was one of the clubs. 

Ruby had a about five minutes until she had to be in class, as she swiftly moved through the hallway she saw people parting to make a line so a girl with blonde hair with pink at the tips could pass. She just stood there confused, still being new. The girl reached her and smiled but instead of it looking kind it looked like she was trying not to snap at her. "Excuse me, but may I ask what the heck you thought you were doing this morning?" The girl asked with the kind of tone to fit her smile. "What do you mean?" Ruby asked, still really confused. The girl just simply laughed. "Oh, I see what you are doing here, don't play dumb, please." Ruby tilted her head. The girl continued her act but seemed like anything might set her off, "Alright, let me help you understand. I am Willow and I am practically the queen of this school. Now, please, explain why you tried to waltz in and get the most popular boy to like you." Ruby then realized that Willow was jealous of her because of a dumb mistake. "Oh, sorry if Auden is your boyfriend and I bumped into him. I was just nervous, that's all!" Willow had had enough and snapped, "Okay, I gave you opportunities to admit it, and you didn't take it. You can't just come into a home and claim it, so stay away from him. He may not have accepted his love for me, but he will one day. On the day he does we will be the most powerful king and queen in school history." Ruby just stood there as Willow went on her rant and nodded. Willow finally finished the rant and there was only two minutes until she was supposed to go to class. "I'm sorry for the incident this morning, it wasn't on purpose, but I gotta go to class, sooo..." Ruby walked to class with Willow's stare being so hard it could burn a hole in her back. 

She arrived to her class and sat down. When the bell rung the teacher introduced Ruby and luckily didn't make her do it herself. The lunch bell rung and everyone went to the cafeteria. It seemed like a lot of people had established groups of people where only a few people didn't have a solid spot. She sat at a table with some people that seemed to not have a solid group. "Heya!" A girl with natural red hair said. "I'm Jasmine and I'm guessing you must be the new girl!" "Did everyone know I was coming?" Ruby said, half jokingly, half genuinely asking. "Yep! We were all informed a new student was coming here!" Ruby nodded and ate her food. Jasmine questioned her on a lot of things until the bell rang. Ruby went back to class while spacing out. She was a good student at this subject and her teacher was going on a rant so it didn't really matter. When the bell rung she took this opportunity to walk around the club areas again. She found the drama club door and took in a deep breath. This was her passion ever since she was a child, so of course she couldn't pass up this club. She knocked on the door to have it opened by the same boy she bumped into earlier. "A-Auden?" She took a step back in surprise at who opened the door. "What do you need?" Ruby gathered up her courage to not make this awkward from this morning. "This is the drama club, right?" Auden nodded in response. "Could I join the club maybe?" Auden began thinking for a second making Ruby nervous. "Yes, you can, please come in and introduce yourself to the rest of the members," Auden replied, stepping aside so she could get in. She came in to be faced with four people. Somehow only one of them was a girl, which I wouldn't expect, but stereotypes aren't as right as you think they are. That girl was Jasmine, her friend from lunch. Why she wasn't at the drama table was unclear, but oh well. Ruby already knew her so she just waved at her and moved onto the next person. There was a blonde boy that she could tell just by looking at him was self-centered, but there was something a bit familiar about him. "Oh hello, a new student joining this club is wonderful and honestly we probably needed new people. Anyway, I am William, charmed, I'm sure," William said with a confident smile. "I'm Ruby, nice to meet you." "Yes, it is."

Okay then, moving on.

Ruby saw a boy with light brown hair that seemed a bit more timid. "Hello, I'm Ruby!" She said walking to the boy. "Hello.. I'm Larson, it is nice to meet you," he stated. It seemed like all these boys got their names from one of those websites with unique boy names. She looked to the last boy. He had white hair and white glasses. He seemed to be a student that was at the top of their class yet was pretty nice. "Hello, I'm Teo, from your other introductions I'm guessing your name is Ruby," Ruby laughed and nodded. There was a seat arranged for everyone so everyone took their seat as Auden, the club president, stood in front of us. "We are going to have a play, I believe Romeo and Juliette would be ideal," everyone nodded except for Ruby. She rose her hand and everyone looked at her. "Yes Ruby?" "That play is too much of a cliche that everyone does. Maybe we could do a genderbend Cinderella since we have more boys than girls. It would be a good twist, don't you think?" Auden smiled and closed his eyes while everyone else was in awe at how good of an idea the new girl made on her first day. Auden broke the silence with saying, "That is a wonderful idea, we can start planning that." 

That was the beginning of this drama club drama for Ruby and the other members. Things may be going to a slow start but if everything was crammed into a single chapter it would take forever to write and have so many other disadvantages. I hope you enjoyed this story's beginning. 

Things were changed in this chapter, but I made this just yesterday so it probably doesn't matter. I changed the name of William and changed their personality from a Mettaton type to a Tamaki type personality. I also changed some stuff with Willow. So, yeah.


-Author chan (Izzy Chan nyan cat)

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