Ah chaos beautiful chaos

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Kyle POV

I woke up and went down stairs so I could prepare breakfast, when I got near the kitchen I smelled something.... burning!

I rush into the kitchen and see Ike bye the stove holding a pan, " god damnit, how did Kyle make this look so easy?". "Ike what are you doing?" I asked running by the stove to turn it off. He looks up to me and says "I tried making breakfast". "Ike I can make it in the morning, why were you trying to cook breakfast anyway?" I asked. "Well I wanted to give you break from taking care of everybody" he said. "Oh Ike that's sweet of you, but don't ever do this shit when I'm not around, k?" I said " plus i can't take a break, first off have you seen the people we hang around with, there idiots, and it's going to turn into complete chaos". He giggled.

      "Well today your going to help make the chaos, I don't want to see you cleaning, I don't want to see you cooking, I don't want to see you working today, today your going to relax and have fun" Ike said. "Ike-" I started. "No no no no, you are going to go back to bed and sleep in while I try to figure out what I'm going to with breakfast" Ike said pushing me up the stairs. "Ok, ok  I'll go back to bed" I said and went back into bed. You know this might not be so bad I thought before dozing back to sleep. 

 Stans POV 

  I get up. I didn't get much sleep, I was mainly thinking about Kyle, and what Kenny had told me.   I don't know what to do. On one hand I could tell him how I feel and risk our friendship, or I could keep my feelings bottled up and keep our friendship. 

 I go down stairs  to see utter chaos. Two girls were throwing stuff everywhere, there's three people yelling and running around the room, Like two guys are passed out, 5 people are on tables singing along to band I don't know, like three people playing video games one of which was Kyle, and Ike and Karen fighting while ruby and firkle film it. Kenny comes down and sees Karen and Ike fighting and breaks it up. 

      "Why the hell are you two fighting?"Kenny asks while pushing them away from each other. "There fighting on whose big brother is better" ruby said. Ike and Karen are mad each other. He goes down to Karen's level, "bring honor to me my child"  Kenny said and moved way from Ike and Karen and they went back to fighting. 

      "Are you sure she's going to win?" I asked. He shrugs and says "I don't know but it quite sweet that there literally getting into a fight over whose big brother is better, obviously me, but that show that we're doing something right and they love us that much". I laugh. Then Kenny got hit by somebody throwing water balloons. Kenny was soaked.  He smirked, "whoever did that thank you that's my  first shower in  weeks" he said laughing at his own joke. I laugh too. Today is going to be a good day. 

   Hello I've been inactive on this story for awhile but I'm back so yeah, hope you enjoyed this story. 

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