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Heeseung POV
Waking up after last night felt like a dream. Was she real? Did I really see her again? Was that promise we made even real?

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. It had to have been real. I stick out my pinky and look at it; it was real. Pulling the blankets up over my head again and laying back down, I couldn't help but smile. Or laugh. Soon enough I was wriggling under my blankets, laughing or squealing, or making some kind of weird sound.

A knock on the door made me flinch so hard, that before I knew it, I had hit the ground still wrapped in my blanket. "What?" I yell in response.

Living with 3 other guys wasn't actually as bad as it sounded, but if I even slightly let on that I met a girl last night, it would definitely become unbearable. It's just the way things were here. We could read each other easier and faster than we could read ourselves sometimes.

"K made breakfast," Jay yelled to me, "hurry up before Sunoo eats it all!" I pulled myself out of my blanket and slipped into some clothes, pulling on my hat then left my room.

One great thing about my roommate K is that he cooks breakfast almost every morning if he has time, and he can cook anything. He was sort of the 'motherly' figure of the house if a mother liked to work out of course.

Jay was never home except for the mornings. The rest of the day he was either at his dance academy, working out, or just other things. I'm never quite sure what he's up to, but I know that he prefers us to not be all up in his business, or as he would say, 'all up in his ass.'

And last but not least was Sunoo. He didn't really live with us because he's still 17, but he did spend the night a lot, so I considered him our roommate. He was sort of the mood maker of the house. He was funny, happy-go-lucky, and just made sure we were never all that upset.

Walking out of the kitchen, I made sure that I looked tired and hid my stupid smile that wouldn't go away. I sat at the table along with the other three while K distributed the food to everyone.

"How late did you get home?" K suddenly asks. I slightly grin, "Well, maybe around 12 am?" I mutter. He gives me an annoyed look which I respond with a nervous chuckle. And for that, he gave me less hashbrowns than everyone else.

Jay laughed at me, "What were you doing out that late? Were you with a girl or something?" he jokes, not knowing that yes, he was completely right. I don't say anything to him and just stare at my plate, a smile still resting awkwardly on my face.

The silence and lack of movement woke me from my daze. I looked around at the three of them. Jay's eyes were wide, K looked slightly disgusted, and Sunoo was smiling while covering his face. I met each of their eyes, "I mean, it wasn't a girl," I paused, "No, it was, but-"

"What the fuck is her name? Details, Seung, give me damn details," Jay burst out suddenly, startling me. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Well, it's complicated," I muttered.

K slammed down his spatula on the table, "Idiot if it's complicated then end it!" he yells. I shrugged, "I mean, it's not that it's complicated but I knew her from a while back, and I met her again last night, but she's moving today. She doesn't even know where she's moving," I say quietly.

There was another moment of silence. Sunoo sighed loudly, "That's the pits," he murmured then started eating. I nodded, "Yeah, but you want to know the craziest thing?"

"What?" everyone asked in harmony. I clapped my hand together and put my elbows on the table, "I didn't even ask for her number," I whined. Jay punched my shoulder, "Stupid," he chuckled.

K looked like he didn't know what to think. It was well known that he didn't really find relationships appealing, but it seemed a little different this time. I poked his arm, "Is there something you want to say?" I ask. He looks from the ground to me, "Did you walk her home?" I nod, "I made her promise that when we see each other again, we'll go on a real date," I chirped.

In the Hands of Fate // lee heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now