30: Don't leave me

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1k reads?!? Really???! People really wants to read my trashy book????? Like.. I'm speechless thank you!!

Agust POV

I opened my eyes and saw Y/n sleeping in between my arms. I was about to push her out of the bed but I can't.. what am I doing.. am I really becoming weak? No! Never! I removed her arms and stood up. I'm not weak..

I walked out of the room of course with all my clothes on.. everybody was in the living room. Some of them gave me weird looks and some didn't even look at me. "What?!" I asked them and stood in the middle with some papers for today's work. "Y/n was in your arms.." Yeonjun said. "And?" Jimin stood up and walked to me. "You're becoming weak.. you're not the boss I know" he touched my shoulder but I shoved his arm away. "Don't touch me, and no I'm not!" "We can all se it.. the was you are close to her" "stop saying that bullshit! I hate her! It's just because I don't want any of you guys to touch her! She's mine!" "Are you calling her out as an object?" "What if I am.." Jimin scoffed and walked back down.

"Okay, I want Beomgyu, Taehyun, Hueningkai and Yeonjun to go to xxx.. you're going to find out as much as you can about the enemy.. for example. Who are they? What are they planning." They nodded and then left. //you might wonder where Soobin is? Yeah it'll become way too weird if Soobin is both the teacher on the school and the leader of txt..\\

"Oh and Jimin, you go with them" "yes boss" he bowed and left. "Jungkook and Taehyung you're going to to train Y/n, Hoseok, Mina and Nayeon with me" "but boss, is Y/n ready??" "She has to be" why is it hurting so much when I'm talking like that about Y/n?! Are they right? No! "But-" Jin was about to talk but I cut him off. "No buts! It is as it is" "you two go find Hosoek" he isn't out here.. I can't fully trust him yet. The nodded and left. "Get him to the training room! And Mina and Nayeon you two go with them" I said and signalled for them to leave.. then I can't look at Nayeon. "Jin, you're going to take care of Namjoon" I said. "Don't let him out.. treat his wound and be a guard for him and the enemy we're keeping hostage" he nodded.

I walked into the room me and Y/n slept in this night. I opened the door and saw Y/n sitting up with her head buried in her knees. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Look, I'm-" "don't talk to me" she said while crying. "I didn't mean what I said" "then why did you say it?! Am I just some kind of object to you?" I just stood there and looked at her. "I'll take that as a yes" her red puffy eyes.. why does it hurt so much seeing her like that..

"I'm going to change your bandage.. we're going to train today" she then started to cry harder. "I don't want to train" I was about to shout at her and drag her with me, but stopped myself.. keep calm..

"But- you know what.. take a day off today.." she looked at me, a little smile formed on her beautiful lips. I remember when I kissed her.. I hated it.. but I had to. It was just so I could place the thing in her pocket so I could track her is she escaped.. I hated her.. she was nothing more than just problems.. but now.. I can't get her out of my head.

I shook my head and walked outside but suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me from behind. My face softened. "Please don't leave me.." I turned around and placed my arms around her. I rested my head on her shoulders and so did she. You know rested her head on my shoulders. My shoulder became soaking wet. "What are you doing?!" I then let go of her and turned around. "None of your business, Nayeon" she crossed her arms. "We're going to train!" She said that like a little angry baby. "I'm out today.. go train with Jungkook and Taehyung, now" I said cold. She didn't.. of course she didn't

I then grabbed her arm and dragged her to the training room. She tried to make me let go but I just tightened. "What I'm doing with Y/n is none of your damn business!" She scoffed. "You're going to be mine!" She said. "Yeah that's good.. now fuck off" I shoved her into the room. I rolled my eyes and walked to the room. 

"You're gonna be mine" I scoffed and walked back. I walked in the door to an empty room.. "what?! Y/n??!" I started to search it but nothing.. "fuck!" This song the third or fourth time she disappeared.. it can't be her.. she didn't try to escape right? Please Y/n.. please say that isn't the case..

I started to search the whole house.. nothing.. FUCKING NOTHING! "JIN!" I shouted. He came to em after a small amount of time. "Where's Y/n?!" He looked confused at me. "Weren't you with her?" "I was but- Nayeon.. she has done something.." I was about to walk back but he grabbed my wrist. "Hey everything isn't Nayeon.. there must be a reason.." my face softened a little. "I hope so.." "you really do care about her.." I looked at him. "I don't know what I do anymore.." "okay.. ehm.. come here" I followed him to the couch.

"Do you feel butterflies everyone you're near her?" "I think so.." he nodded. "And you don't want anyone else to come near her?" "Absolutely not.." "okay.. you have the feeling that you ought to make sure she's okay?" "I guess.." "Yoongi.. I think you're in love" my face immediately hardened. "No! I'm not" "that's what you want yourself to think.. you have to get used to the feeling of love again" again..

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