An ally or a Foe

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After what happen that night i kept thinking over and over of the things we did and damm was that a good feeling... Omg i have to stop thinking these dirty thoughts i say in my head as i squirm around in my bed. "(Y/n) can u come downstairs!" I heard my mom yelling ugh what does she want i say as i was having happy thoughts. I go downstairs to see what my mom wanted and i said "what is it mom?" "Care to tell me what's this??" She was holding my maid costume on her right hand... "Uh mom i could explain-" i say in a nervous tone "explain! what honey u work at a maid cafe! Out of all the places u could work u get to serve food to perverts what if one of them tries to harass u!!" She says "but mom i didn't have money and i wanted to be able to help u with the house expenses..." "For the last time (y/n) u don't have to worry about the money, im ur mother im proud u worry about me and everything but still *sighs* I'll let this slide but understand im just worried about u" "yes mom im sorry i didn't tell u" my mom hugs me and i hug her back.

Meanwhile at Tendou pov
I was at home chilling until i hear my door slam open "hey tendou" says kiyoko....[also im using the name kiyoko cuz i couldn't think of a better name so it's not the kiyoko from karasuno so don't get confused]

Back to your pov
After that mother and daughter moment i thought why not call tendou to see what he's up to. When i called him he didn't answer, i thought it was weird because he always answers but i just ignored it and said maybe he's busy so i just start drawing cuz of how bored i get. Some two or three hours pass and i still didn't get a call back so i decide to call him again and this time a girl picks up "hello?" She says "hello?" I say confused "oh my i didn't know tendou talked to girls are u his girlfriend?" She asked in a curious tone "uh who are u??" I say as i hear someone coming in "kiyoko i brought ur clothe- WHO ARE U TALKING TO!?" I hear tendou say screaming through the other side of the phone " i said to not answer anything from my phone give it back!, im sorry i couldn't talk to u earlier i was busy and i can't talk right know sorry i gotta go bye" before i could say anything he hung up.... Who the hell was kiyoko!!?and why couldn't he talk i clearly heard him say that he had her clothes! is she staying there to sleep!?😭i was mad and sad because why was another girl i didn't even know staying at his house before me!GRRRR....


I stayed thinking all day who could have been that girl and i just distracted myself by doing stuff around the house to not think about it. Time came and i had to go to work.As i was working i was talking to several of my coworkers "do u guys have any boyfriends?" I ask them, they looked confused but one of them said "yeah but that bum was nothing but a cheater!"a girl says "a CHEATER?!" I say concerned "yeah the other day i called my boyfriend and a girl answered and he said it was just her cousin but days later i found out he was cheating behind my back that jerk! " she said angrily pounding the flour "chill out ur gonna hurt the flour" jennifer says as they both start laughing. I just stood there thinking...could it be im in the same place as her?. These thoughts kept coming throughout the whole time i was working i kept thinking of everything that happened earlier and i wanted to find out what was really happening.. So i took matters into my own hands! After I'm finished with work i decided to go to tendou house!.

Timeskip ~

As i got to tendou house i felt like i was over thinking everything and maybe i was exaggerating but i needed to find out for myself i knock on the door and a to my surprise it was his mom she had red long hair and she looked a lot like tendou no wonder he looks a lot like her just by the face i could tell it's his mom."oh my i wasn't expecting someone else to visit " his mom says  "sorry to disturb in such a late hour ma'm" i say "no it's fine u may come in". I come in and take a seat in there living room then she calls tendou "tendou honey u have visit!" She says yelling (kinda reminds me of my own mom) "what is it mo-, (y/n)?? What are u doing here??!" Why is he soooo surprised to see me hmmmmm i say thinking in my head. " i decided to come see u because i missed u" i say, to be honest i just came to find out who that girl kiyoko was. "Uh well since u already here would u like to have barbecue my family is in the backyard" he says "oh yeah sure" i say giving a warm smile...wait a minute a barbecue?family?. Me, tendou, and his mom went to the backyard and to my surprise his family was actually there i was confused though i didn't come here to eat i came here to resolve who that kiyoko girl was..."so mind introducing us who this girl is?" Tendou mom asks, "um well um" tendou says with his face blushing "come on spit it out already!" A girl said "This is (y/n) my girlfriend!" He says with his face all red and i blush. Everyone in the room gasps and starts hyping up tendou or are surprised "Wow how u managed to get a girl like this she's to pretty for u" his mom says teasingly "mom" tendou whines "just wait until ur dad hears about this" his mom says smiling. Then this girl comes up to me and says "wow so ur tendou's girlfriend ur to good for him" "what no! he's way to good for me" i say blushing "Nice to meet u im kiyoko" she says smiling kiyoko huh!? I say in my head as i look at her with serious eyes. She seems confused of the way im glaring at her "so are u the girl that picked up tendou's phone earlier today???" I say "uh yeah but don't worry about it im just his cousin" she says.... WAIT WHAT COUSIN!? wait a minute did i misunderstood the whole situation throughout the whole day and i got worried for NOTHING!i felt like a total fool i imagined things that aren't even what they seemed and here i was gonna confront her but it turns out she was just his cousin this is all because i believe everything i hear....stupid coworkers." Im sorry" she looked confused because she didn't know what i was apologizing for. Ugh i need to go talk to tendou but he seems pretty occupied with his family dammit i shouldn't have come i just disturbed him and his family im so out of place i kept thinking these thoughts in my head. I told kiyoko that i had to leave because something urgent came up.

Timeskip 5 minutes later~

As i was walking home i felt bad about myself like why couldn't i just trust tendou and my dumbass jumped to conclusions... i suddenly hear someone behind me "(y/n) wait!?"

Word count: 1314

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