3. River Run

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This was the kind of peace she was looking for. The tranquil waters and sunlight creating sparkling jewels like diamonds made her inner turmoil vanish.

But not her curiosity.

People around the compound were busy the whole day. Juanita referred to it as organized chaos. Even Ramon was up at dawn supervising the ranch hands. Odd to see them in vigorous exercise and training.

Like on a military drill. And gunshots resounded in the air. Her pulse throbbed with the sound. Exciting her.

She had wanted to join the group but she didn't trust anyone to show this side of her personality. Better for them to get used to her sweet persona. Not the frenetic one urging her to fight or train or go on an adventure somewhere. She just felt so antsy lately.

How to pass the time until it was safe for her to go back to the villa?

Tia Juanita had warned her to stay away temporarily until El Patrón was made aware of her presence.

She snorted. They all placed him on a pedestal and from what she had heard from the men and women, everyone was in awe of the elusive man.

Made her wonder what he was really like.

Angelina couldn't control her desire to see him for herself anymore, she just needed to know.

Like any tomboy, her father and brother would be proud of, if she still had one, she climbed the highest Ceiba tree she could find facing the mansion's forecourt.

Any minute now.

Shielding her eyes from the sun's glare, her attention on the convoy of impressive SUVs, disturbing the earth, and creating dusty gusts of wind, she waited.

The man she was looking for must be inside the car in the middle part of the procession. A leader. Heavily guarded. And she'd bet all her blond hair they were heavily armed.

She was proven right. A buff man, all in black and eyes covered in sunglasses, riding shotgun, got out of the car first, looking around. Everyone else followed. Except for their leader.

A sense of deja vu made her frown. She knew she had seen this type of very tight security supervision before but where?

She held her breath when she noticed the buff guy reached out to open the car door for his boss and a man, tall, dramatically, and broodingly handsome stepped out. Aloof, he watched Juanita and a woman who looked exactly like Tia, embraced.

Tia was about to approach him, however, something must have held her back.

Angelina was sure it was because of El Patrón's unapproachable air surrounding him. He said something and with the grace of a stalking panther, he left everyone as he walked inside the house. Not looking back. How rude. Was he not aware everyone was excited to see him?

There was no mistaking that he was the elusive owner of this magnificent place she was living. He looked arrogant and commanding. A familiar character.

She made a mental note to go back much much later. Not wanting to put Tio and Tia in trouble.

In the back of her mind, she kept playing the scene she had witnessed. The man's beautiful face invaded her thoughts. Why did he look so alone despite being surrounded by his household?

And he did not look old at all.



"He hasn't changed that much, huh?" She watched her sister's eyes deemed from her question.

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