Ch 2:Helping (Y/n)

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2B Pov

We were heading back to the bunker, while I had (Y/n) in my arms.

9S:Rolling around at the speed of sound🎶

2B:9S. What the hell are you singing?

9S:I-it's an ancient Earth folk song!

2B:Please don't sing that.


(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi 2B being a cute Tsundere)

We made it to the transport.

2B:9S. I want you to hold him while I'm flying the transport.


(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi 9S high fiving his pod)

I flew the ship into the landing bay. There was Commander White and a medical crew waiting for us.

9S and I climbed out of the transport and laid (Y/n) down on the stretcher.

2B:Commander. I know I broke protocol, but I couldn't let the human die.

White:I know 2B, and you did the right thing.

2B:Thank you. But how are we going to help him?

White:I intend to disinfect his wounds. Then the question pops up.

2B:Which one?

White:Who will take care of him when he wakes up?

2B:I'll do it. I'll protect him with my life.

White:Alright. But how are we going feed him.

2B's Pod:Back when humans were on Earth. Humans would hunt and scavenge for their food.

White:That's true but he's a child.

2B:I'll hunt for him.

9S:I'll get berries for him. How hard can it be?

9S's Pod:Some berries are poisonous to humans.


9S's Pod:Downloading all edible berry types.

9S:Thank you Pod.

2B:Can I stay with (Y/n)?

White:Of course you can 2B.

2B:Thank you commander.

White:With one condition.

2B:Name it.

White:If I can be his aunt.

2B:Yes you can.

White:Thank you 2B.

I ran into the room where we were going to treat (Y/n)'s wounds.

They put (Y/n) in the tube and he just floated there with a re breathier on

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They put (Y/n) in the tube and he just floated there with a re breathier on.

2B:' What is this I feel? '

White:Your motherly programming is taking effect.

I was surprised that the Commander knew what I was thinking.


White:We all have this programming yours took effect when you held him in your arms I believe.

2B:Why was it installed?

White:Just in case if a human child was found on Earth.

2B:When will he be out of there?

White:I don't know. We just have to wait.

2B:Alright. ' Fight (Y/n). Fight. '


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I will protect you (Y/n) (Nier: Automata x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now