Chapter 3: Short-lived Joy

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When I woke up the next morning it was around six am and my Mum was asleep next to me. I remember Micky's parents picking her up sometime during the night but I knew she'd be back today.

"Morning!" The nurse from yesterday whispered as she crept into the room trying not to wake my Mum. "My names Clara by the way, we met yesterday. I just wanted to check your vitals again. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"No I slept right through the night" I whispered. "Hey! My voice is starting to feel better." 

"That's good but you still need to rest it. I thought you might want to know that your brothers surgery has been moved to seven am."

At that moment my mother's head shot up as if she'd heard what the nurse had been saying. At first she looked confused but once she had adjusted to her surroundings her eyes darkened as she remembered the harsh reality.

"Did you say something about Eddie?" She asked, her voice rough and husky. Clearly she had escaped her previous trance.

"Yes. Just that his surgery will be in half an hour instead of the allotted time."

"WHAT?! WHY?! Is everything ok?" She stammered as countless questions flew through her head.

"Don't worry, ma'am. There was a cancelation and the doctors thought it would be a good idea to prioritise your son. Don't be alarmed, we'll keep you updated." She smiled before leaving the room and I turned to my shaking mother.

"Please, mum, don't disappear on me again. I need you!" I pleaded, my voice hoarse. 

"Don't worry Princessa, mama is here." She whispered stroking my hair as I smiled at the nickname she had given me since birth. I don't know how long we stayed like that for but I was happy that we had each other.

At around midday there was still no news on Eddie and I could see the worry etched into my Mum's face as she paced the room. After about ten minutes of her pacing and me getting frustrated, the door burst open and in flew my little brother and sister with my Aunt Ava trailing close behind. She looked like she had been up all night but the twins were the complete opposite. They both jumped up onto the bed smothering me with hugs and kisses. 

"Andi! We were so scared that you weren't coming back!" Diego whispered into my neck refusing to let go. As my Mum settled down again Carmen jumped into her lap and hugged her tightly. Diego and I had always been closer for some reason but that's just how it was. They were only four and didn't quite understand the severity of the situation but they were the ray of sunlight at the end of the dark tunnel we were trapped in.

I sat up keeping Diego in my arms and looked over to my Aunt as she came to sit next to us. 

"¿Qué tal?" She said as she kissed me on the forehead. 

"Bien." I replied, "just a bit shaken, that's all. Have you asked about Eddie?" I was hopeful that he was out of surgery but they had just neglected to tell us.

"Sí, they said that he's out of surgery but still in Resus as his condition is still unstable. They've put him in an induced coma but they said that if everything goes well then he should be awake esta tarde. We'll all be able to see him including you!" She said, her accent strong and optimistic - just like her.

For the rest of the afternoon I played with my siblings and my Dad joined us as Eddie still wasn't awake. We were all doing a good job of escaping our current problem but soon enough a nurse came in announcing that Eddie was conscious and asking for us.

I was placed in a wheelchair - even though I insisted that I didn't need one - and we all headed to Eddie's room. The doctor said that I would be released first thing in the morning as they had to extend my stay due to further tests as my initial response to the medication was unusual.

When we arrived at the room everyone was hesitant to enter. The doctors hadn't specified the extent of his injuries and no one wanted to be the first to find out. After many looks were passed around my Mother was the first to open the door and rush in. Eddie was lying on the bed slightly propped up looking completely fine - you know, other than the wires and machines.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked with a dry laugh. We all stared at him in shock as he wasn't usually so upbeat especially considering his current predicament. 

"We, uh, wanted to give you some time." My Dad stuttered. "Is everything ok? How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. The medication takes the edge off and I'm just happy that all of you are ok."

I wheeled my chair closer to him and looked him straight in the eye. I couldn't understand why he wasn't angry or even slightly ashamed for getting in a fight and causing so much emotional stress.

"What do you remember about what happened?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me for a few seconds before answering. 

"Uh, there were lots of people... Yelling... A knife... Someone crying over me then just black..." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Why?"

"Nothing." I whispered before retreating to the other side of the room where Diego climbed into my lap. I could tell that he was hiding something but I was so angry that he had gotten into another fight and didn't even care. Why was he even fighting? Because of Melinda, his airhead, Barrie doll of a girlfriend? 

I stayed silent as everyone chatted, laughed and took selfies with Eddie to reassure the world that he was ok. Micky had turned up for a late supper as everyone sat around Eddie eating Chinese take-away from down the street. It was almost as if nothing had happened. Almost. I couldn't quite get over the nagging feeling that Eddie was holding something back about what really happened.

At around nine pm the nurses insisted that visiting hours were long past over and couldn't allow everyone to stay any longer. I said goodbye to Diego and Carmen promising to see them tomorrow and hugged Ava, Micky and my dad goodbye before going back to my room with my Mum close behind. 

That night my mind wouldn't let me sleep. There were so many questions circling my mind like why did Eddie lie about what he remembered? And why did everyone dismiss the fact that he had gotten into another fight? Most of all, I wanted to know what the fight was about and who had stabbed my brother?

By the time I fell asleep it was gone five am and the hospital ward was blissfully silent. However it was short-lived as just when I was getting acquainted with my greatest love Andrew Garfield - now that's a man who looks good in tights - I was torn from my dream by the sound of crying. I looked up to see my parents clutching each other as a doctor spoke solemnly to them.

"Mama? Papi? What's wrong? It's the middle of the night?!" I said rubbing my eyes. 

"I'll leave you alone." The doctor said before quickly leaving the room.

My parents both rushed to my bed and my mum cried silently into my ear mumbling incoherently in Spanish.

"Dad? What's going on? Why aren't you with Eddie?" I questioned starting to hyperventilate. My dad gave me one look answering both my questions before breaking down in front of me. It was the first time I'd seen my dad cry since grandpa died and it made me numb. I couldn't move as tears slowly slipped down my face. I gripped onto my parents hands for dear life but none of this was bringing him back which made me angry.

"No!" I screamed hitting my fathers chest as he grabbed my wrists. "He was fine! We saw him just a few hours ago! What happened?" I sobbed into his neck hysterically.

"He seemed stable but something was wrong. They figured it out but it was too late. They tried to resuscitate him but after thirty-eight minutes they had to call it." My Dad croaked stroking my hair. 

I didn't understand. He was here just a few hours ago. He laughed, made jokes and even told countless embarrassing stories. How could he be gone? This wasn't fair! How could this happen to our family? To him? 

We stayed like that until morning when Ava and Micky came. The twins stayed home undoubtedly confused. How I wished I could be them. Ignorance is bliss they say. But I understood all to well that Eddie wasn't coming back. And someone had to pay.


Hey guys! How'd you like the chapter? Sorry to give ya'll false hope - I'm evil like that. Lemmi know what you thought :P
Vote, Comment and Follow. Night lovlies!

--love Whitney❤️😍💋xx

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