Sasha POV
It was the first day of college for Sasha Banks. Attending San Jose University was her dream and for her to be majoring in Sports Therapy well let say who the hell wouldn't take that opportunity. Sasha has graduated high school with Honors and now she was going to do the same at San Jose University.
"Damn, This School is huge but ready or not here comes Sasha banks" I said walking onto The campus.
"Sasha!! Over here!" Said Becky my best friend.
"Yo dude wassup!" I exclaimed, giving her a big hug.
"Wassup with you Lass? I haven't seen you all summer break. I've missed my sassy but classy ass best friend" said Becky smiling.
"I took a trip to the Bahamas with my folks over the break. I've missed you 2 Becky. I'm so happy that we are at this university together." I said smiling.
"Yea so we should find out where our classes are so we don't be late on the first day like how we were back in high school." Joked Becky laughing
" Hahahahaha yea let's go becks" I said crossing my arm with Becky's. We walked and talked until we found Becky's math class. I hugged her goodbye and started to walk to my Spanish 103 class until I was bumped into a tall figure and fell to the ground.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I bumped you I was trying to get to my Spanish class-" I said. I looked up at the beautiful tall woman and I recognized who she was.
" Its okay I should've been looking at- omg Sasha? Sasha Banks right? It's me. Bayley Martinez! We had History and P.E together back in high school" said Bayley helping me up.
" Omg hey Bayley long time no see. I didn't know you got accepted into San Jose University." I said blushing slightly
I always liked Bayley I mean who wouldn't. Bayley was smoking hot and she was the captain of the basketball team. She was offered to play at NYU but I see that she declined their offer. I haven't seen Bayley since graduation but I always wanted to tell Bayley how I really felt about her. I was afraid to tell her because I didn't know if she was gay or not because I never really saw her date throughout high school.
" Yea I got a full basketball scholarship to play for SJU." Said Bayley smiling. "Did you say you have Spanish 103?" Asked Bayley
"Yea, I'm looking for Room 273. I just don't want to be late on the first day ya know?" I said biting my lip gently as I started to walk.
"Well Sasha you're going the wrong way. Room 273 is this way actually" said Bayley
"How did you know Bayley" I asked walking towards her direction.
" Because I have Spanish 103 as well so I guess we have the same class again Banks" said Bayley smiling
God damn Her smile makes my stomach feel like all gushy and hot inside.
"Hmmm well why are we standing here for? Let's go!" I exclaimed walking next to Bayley blushing.
As we walked, Bayley and I talked about the good times we had back in high school. I got to know more about Bayley and man She is amazing. My feelings for her grew stronger and I was glad she didn't notice that I was blushing nonstop especially when she hugs me.
"Here we are and only 1 minute to spare" laughed Bayley.
We walked in and Bayley sat in her desk as I sat in the desk beside her. I took out my glasses because I have a hard time seeing and I looked over to see Bayley staring at me, which made me look down to keep her from seeing me blush.
" Bayley" I whispered. "You're staring at me" I said smiling.
"I know. I just see a beautiful woman and I'm happy that I met her back in high school." Said Bayley before she flashed me a smile and looked back up to pay attention to the instructor.
"Bayley thinks I'm beautiful" I thought to myself smiling.
After class, Bayley and I was walking to the vending machine to get a Bang energy drink.
"Hey Sasha, um I was wondering if I can get your number ya know to keep in touch?" Bayley asked while she put her dollar into the vending machine.
I blushed and smiled at Bayley's question.
"Sure" I said, grabbing bayley's phone from her hand. I put my number and took at picture to save as my contact photo.
"Okay I'll see you later Bayley I gotta go to my physics class" I said hugging Bayley
"Okay Sasha I'll text you later" said Bayley
I smiled because I knew she was watching me walk away. I was smiling from ear to ear when I received a notification from my phone.
Unknown number: Hey it's Bayley lock me in banks 😁😊
Sasha: 😁💯Bet
Bayley🥰😛❤️: oh btw you're beautiful with or without your glasses😉
Sasha: Lol thanks Bayley🥰
I blushed and I got into my physics class. It was hard to concentrate. All I could think about was Bayley. The way she smelled. The way she smiles that beautiful ass smile. The way her hair was down. I really had the hots for her now. But I know she's way out of my league.
"Ms. Banks, Can you please pay attention" my physics instructor said.
I broke out of my trance and tried to focus on class. I wanted Bayley and I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. One day I'm going to tell her.

Sasha's contact photo in bayleys iphone:

Sasha's contact photo in bayleys iphone:

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