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Sasha POV
Fall break-Bayley's Apartment
"Babe are you sure you have everything for our trip to Washington?" I asked
"Yea Sasha I think I have everything. I'm hella excited not only to see my Mamà and Papì, but I can't wait for them to see how much I love and adore you." Bayley said pinning me to the wall. I giggled as I gave Bayley a long passionate kiss but I pulled away and held my head down and sighed. Bayley lifted my head up and looked at me with a concern look. "What's going through your mind Sasha?" Asked Bayley. "What if your parents don't like me? What if they say I'm not right for you? What if they don't accept me?" I said with tears in my eyes as I thought about Bayley's parents not liking me. Bayley hugged me tightly and rubbed my back as I put my face in her shoulders and softly cried. Bayley rubbed my hair and broke the hug and put our foreheads together. "Sasha my parents accepts me for being lesbian. They know that I love you with everything in me. They will accept you because I accept you and I'm in love with you baby. Whether they accept you as my girlfriend or not, It don't matter because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I love you baby and I got you no matter what" said Bayley as she wiped my tears from my eyes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Bayley's neck and looked into her eyes with so much love in my eyes. Bayley kisses me and wraps her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her body. We embraced each other and I looked up at my beautiful girlfriend. "I love you too Bayley always and forever" I said kissing Bayley's lips. Bayley smiled and looked at her phone. "We gotta get to the airport before we miss our flight baby." Said Bayley grabbing our bags.
"Let's go Washington D.C. here we come." I said opening the door and closes it.
Bayley's POV
4 Hours later- Washington DC
We finally made it to Washington DC and it was beautiful and breathtaking. Sasha and I rented a car and put our bags in the car and drove to my parents house which was an hour away from the airport. I could tell Sasha was nervous as I drove so I grabbed her hand and kissed it with my hand while I used my other hand to drive.
"Babe it's going to be fine I promise you they are going to love you" I said to Sasha rubbing her hand with my finger.
"I hope so" said Sasha
After a long hour drive, Sasha and I made it to my parents house. It looked so beautiful I just couldn't believe my eyes. I got out the car and opened Sasha's door and looked at Sasha, who was amazed by how my parents' house looked. We both looked at each other and I pulled her close and kissed her cheek.
"No matter what happens, I love you baby" I said as I grabbed Sasha's hand and kissed it. Sasha smiles and kisses my cheek. "I love you 2 bayls" Sasha said smiling
We walked to the front door and I knocked on the door as Sasha stood behind me grabbing my hand tightly. The front door opened and there stood my mamà.
"Mìja, my daughter is home" said my mamá excited.
"Holá Mamà, I've missed you so much." I said as I hugged my mamà tightly forcing to hold back my tears.
"And you must be Sasha." Said mamà as we pulled away from each other's embrace.
Sasha smiled and shook my mom's hand and they spoke in Spanish, which impressed my mom.
"Bayley I like this one" said mamà smiling. That made Sasha and I smile as I grabbed her hand. I looked around and was greeted by my cousins and siblings and everyone was getting to know Sasha. I pulled my mamà aside and asked, "Where's papì?"
Mamà sighed in disappointment and heartbroken and I instantly started to get angry.
"Mijà, Your papì and I are getting a divorce. We wanted to tell you but we didn't want u to worry and lose sight of what's really important." Said mamà
I stood there in shock and hurt because my parents have been married for over 18 years and now they are getting a divorce. I looked at mamà with tears in my eyes.
"Did papì do something very bad this time mamà?" I asked as tears started to fall.
"Sì mijà but you're mamà is strong. I raised you and your siblings to be strong and always take care of each other. Papì and I will always love you and your siblings but the love and trust for papì and I's marriage is not there anymore. Don't worry Bayley I will be fine." Said mamà as she wipes my tears away. I walked away from my mamà and grabbed Sasha's hand.
"Baby are you okay?" Asked Sasha
"Yea yea I'm fine me and mamà had a conversation but don't worry bout it. How bout you stay here and get to know everybody while I go get our bags" I said as I kissed Sasha's cheek
"Okay Bayley I'll see you when you get back in here I love you" said Sasha.
"I love you 2 beautiful" I said as I walked to the car to grab our bags. I opened the trunk and started to grab the bags until a blue charger pulled up to my parents house. When I saw who it was, a wave of anger and disappointment raced over my body.
"My babygirl is finally home" said my dad as he walked over to me.
"Hello papì" I said icly as I backed away from him. I didn't want him to touch me after the heartbreaking news I just received from my mamà.
"Bayley give your papì a hug" said my papì with his arms out.
"Not til you explain exactly why you and mamà are getting a divorce" I said trembling as I tried to keep from crying. Papì looked at me and held his head down. I just stood there not knowing what to do. I needed answers and papì is going to tell me once and for all.

You're all I ever wanted {GirlxGirl} (A Baysha love story)Where stories live. Discover now