Oliver Wood x Hufflepuff!Reader - The Chaser and The Keeper

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Word count - 2129

You were a fifth year and Oliver was a seventh year. This year was Oliver's last. The two of you had been dating for just over two years, you were one of the power couples of Hogwarts. At the beginning of your relationship, with you being in Hufflepuff and Oliver being in Gryffindor, many people assumed that you wouldn't last. Especially since you were both obsessed with Quidditch, Oliver more so. Anyone could see that you were both madly in love, and all the girls in the younger years looked up to you, hoping that one day they would be loved the way that Oliver loved you. 

You and Oliver were both team captains this year, meaning that you were both distracted by Quidditch a lot of the time. You both had to work on team plays, and the first game of the year was Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, so you couldn't help each other. So you both sat on the opposite sides of the library, stealing glances at each other as you both planned for the upcoming game. At some point, Cedric came and sat with you, you had been best friends with him since you were little and he was a great help in figuring out what will work and what won't. He was also a great help when it came to tryouts, you were just too kind and didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. This was something Oliver loved about you - your empathy and compassion. 

You and Cedric sat and giggled as you figured things out, recalling the third year that had tried out a few days ago and had attempted to flirt with him. Hearing your laugh, Oliver looked up at you with a breathtaking smile, only to see that you were laughing at one of Cedric's remarks. Almost automatically, his look of love and adoration changed to one of jealousy and envy. He threw Cedric a glare, one that the Hufflepuff neglected to see as he was too busy pointing at places on the parchment in front of you both. Oliver cleared his throat loudly, catching your attention. You pulled a spare bit of parchment out of your bag and wrote: Hey Keeper, got a spare minute or two? Love, Y/N xx. You folded the parchment into a plane and enchanted it to fly over to him. He opened the note immediately, a happy smile spreading across his face. He folded his plans carefully and placed them in his bag, you doing the same, before getting up and walking over to you, planting a long awaited kiss onto your lips. You blushed and smiled widely, before intertwining your fingers. You waved goodbye to Cedric, before exiting the library with your boyfriend. 

"I've missed you," you said, resting your head on Oliver's shoulder as the two of you strolled down the corridor. "Part of me wishes I wasn't captain this year, then we could spend more time together."

"I know, love" he replied, "me too. But it's okay, because as soon as this game is out of the way, we can work on plays together!"

"You're right" you smiled. "Be prepared to get beaten by Hufflepuff though, Ced and I have a great play planned"

The grin had made its way onto Oliver's face quickly vanished at the mention of Cedric, then he went uncharacteristically quiet. You stood up on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek. 

"You know you're the only one for me, Wood" you whispered, squeezing his hand.

"You say that..." he says hesitantly. "But you and Diggory have been spending a lot of time together"

"Ollie" you sighed. "Cedric and I are on the same team. He's just been helping me with planning and giving me ideas for practice, that's all! Please don't be jealous"

"Jealous?" he scoffed. "I'm not jealous. I'm just not completely comfortable with my girl cosying up to another guy. I mean, just look at him. He's got all the girls swooning over him because of his looks, he's popular, and he's closer to your age - only a year older rather than two!"

You pulled your hand away from his and stepped in front of him, a sad look on your face. "Oliver Wood, you listen to me right now. I have known Cedric since I was four years old! My mother and his mother were best friends at Hogwarts! His father and my father are good acquaintances, seeing as my father is a Muggle and you know how Mr Weasley and Mr Diggory love Muggles. Now, Cedric and I have never shared romantic feelings! He's been in love with Cho since fourth year, and I have been dating you since third. Oliver, Cedric is my best friend, almost my brother! I promise you that I'm in love with you and nobody else!"

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