George Weasley - Happy Again

292 3 0

word count - 1953

You were sitting at the Gryffindor table with George and Fred, zoned out as they discussed their next prank. The three of you were in your fifth year, and having been best friends with the twins since first year, you were used to them talking about their pranks, so it didn't really bother you. It wasn't until he met your eye and waved a hand in front of your face that you realised you'd been staring at George the whole time. You blushed lightly and looked away, staring down at your food.

You knew you fancied George, in fact you'd known for about a month now. He'd been there for you since your very messy break up with Oliver, he'd comforted you and made you laugh. And then somewhere along the line you fell for him. After Oliver, you never thought you'd love anyone else, but then again, George always had a way of proving you wrong. As the twins continued chatting, you thought back to the summer the three of you had spent together.


You let out a laugh as you threw the Quaffle through the hoop. The opposing team let out a groan, while your team cheered in victory. You were staying at the Burrow, and currently, you were all playing a game of Quidditch - even Percy! Angelina and Alicia had nipped round for a visit and had jumped at the chance to play. Seeing as there were only 12 of you (you, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Angelina and Alicia) you kind of had to improvise a bit. 

Red Team: 
Keeper - Ron
Beater - Fred
Chasers - Ginny, Percy, Alicia
Seeker - Charlie

Blue Team
Keeper - Bill
Beater - George
Chasers - Hermione, you, Angelina
Seeker - Harry

You had all decided that having a beater on each team would be more beneficial and safe, which is why the Twins were on opposing teams. Percy and Bill, who hadn't played Quidditch during their time at Hogwarts were just given whichever positions were left, but they didn't mind. 

Mrs Weasley let out a cheer from the ground as Mr Weasley yelled, "Harry's caught the snitch!"

The blue team let out cheers as everyone landed on the ground and dismounted their brooms, the blue team celebrating, and the red team huffing. You made your way over to Fred and ruffled his hair. 

"Maybe next time, Freddie" you smiled. 

"Yeah sure!" he rolled his eyes but you could see a smile making his way on to his lips.

"Do you feel like going to Hogsmeade?" you offered.

"Hogsmeade?" George cut in, throwing an arm around both yours and Fred's shoulders. "I'm in."

"Brilliant!" you exclaimed, "Lets do it! I quite fancy a butterbeer."

"Me too" Fred agreed as you made your way back inside and Flooed to Hogsmeade. 

When the three of you arrived, you made your way to The Three Broomsticks, laughing and joking, playfully pushing each other here and there. 

"I think Fred should buy today" you proposed, smirking. "Since his team lost the match."

"That's not fair!" he protested, but walked up to the bar nevertheless.

You and George sat in a booth and talked while you awaited Fred's return. You felt your heart stop as you spotted Oliver walk in with his new girlfriend. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed you, then made his way over to your booth.

"Y/N!" he grinned at you. "How are you?"

You shot George an uncomfortable look before turning back to Oliver and glaring at him.

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