Chapter 1

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July 4th 2019
- 20 weeks & 6 days -

It's Fourth of July!! We're having everyone over for today. We're gonna do a BBQ & watch the fireworks go off tonight in my backyard. We even had our pool guy come and clean out the pool so we can all go swimming to. Ameera has been wanting to go swimming. She keeps looking at me and pointing outside saying, " pool " it's so cute! I'm currently cleaning the house with the help of Austin and the boys, Ameera is in her little play area we made for her in the living room so she can't roam around the mansion we live in.

~ later that evening ~

Everyone is here, Austin is BBQ and I'm in the pool with Alexee and Ameera. Before you ask yes my daughter has her floaties on and no she's not leaving the stairs or my arms.

" Melly. " Alexee said.
" yes? "
" we have to get pictures together with our baby bumps today! "
" duhhh! Best friends don't always get to be pregnant together! "

We both giggled a little bit.

" you wanna go take one now real quick? "
" sure why not? "

I looked around in the pool knowing it was gonna be impossible to get Ameera out of it right now. I saw Ac and called for him. He looked at me.

" will you watch Ameera for a second please? "
" yeah sure! "

He came over to me and grabbed my baby. Alexee and I walked out of the pool and up to my hubby.

" babe. "
" yes beautiful? "
" will you take a picture for us please? "
" yeah sure. "

He flipped the burgers & hotdogs before walking over to the grass area.

" you want it on your phone or mine? " my hubby asked.
" mine please. "

He nodded and pulled my phone out of his pocket since I asked him to hold it while I was in the pool. Alexee and I looked at each other.

" how do you wanna pose for this? " she asked.
" we'll just hold our bellies with them facing towards each other and smile at the camera. "
" okay, sounds good to me. "

We faced our bellies towards one another & held them while looking at the camera and smiling. Austin counted to three and then we heard the camera snap.

" okay, here you are. "
" thank you honey. "
" you're welcome baby. "

Austin and I pecked lips and he handed me my phone then went back to the food. Alexee and I looked at the picture.

" oh I love it! Send it to me please! "
" okay I'll send it right now really quick & then post it after the party. "

I sent the picture to her phone and then gave mine back to Austin then got back into the pool with my daughter.

- 37 weeks & 5 days -

It's the day before Halloween and we just got the house decorated. I'm 37 weeks & HUGE might I add. Ameera is taking a nap at the moment. I've been having contractions since I woke up this morning but my water hasn't broke yet. I know they're not Braxton Hicks because this is exactly what I was feeling when my water broke with Ameera.

" who wants some snacks? " I asked.
" I do! " all the boys said.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed out my snack tray from the cabinet and set it on the counter then walked over to the pantry to grab out some crackers. I placed them in a neat circle around the edge of the tray then put the box of ritz crackers back into the pantry. Next, I walked to the fridge and grabbed out the cheese, grapes & a couple apples set those on the counter after closing the fridge. I cut the cheese into slices and placed the over the crackers. Once that was done I rinsed off the grapes and apples and set the grapes on the tray and started cutting up the apples once finished. I soon felt my water break and then a sharp pain and gasped.

" Austin! " I called for my husband.

He walked into the kitchen.

" yes baby? " he asked.
" my water just broke. "
" oh shit, alright let's get you into the car I'll go grab our hospital bags. "
" AC!" He called for Alex.

Ac came walking into the kitchen.

" what's up? "
" her water just broke we've gotta get going to the hospital. Can you watch Ameera? "
" yeah bro of course! Go have a baby! "

Staying by my side we started walking to the front door where we've kept our hospital bags since we've had them packed just so everything was ready to go when it was time to have a baby. I'm so excited to meet my son! Austin opened the door and grabbed the suitcase with mine and the baby's necessities in it and the backpack with his essentials in it while I walked out first. Austin shut the door behind him after he walked out and walked with me to the car. He opened my door for me and helped me in then closed my door and opened the back door placing our bags in the backseat. Once finished with that he closed the door and quickly walked to the drivers side getting in, starting the car after closing his side of the vehicle. We were soon off to the hospital!

- Halloween 2019 -
- 18 hours later -

After 30 minutes of pushing and 18 hours of labor the delivery room filled with the sweet sound of my healthy baby boys cries! After 9 long months of pregnancy it is every mothers favorite sound after giving birth. My midwife laid him on my chest as the other nurses cleaned him off. I stared at my second most amazing creation with complete awe. My son wasn't the only one crying as Austin and I were as well.

" would you like to cut the umbilical cord? " a nurse asked my husband.
" yes of course. " he replied.

Once the cord was cut they took the baby to get weighed & measured, Austin following refusing to leave his side. The look in Austin's eyes when looking at our son is the same look he gives Ameera every time he sees her. Once my midwife finished sewing me up and the other nurses finished cleaning, weighing & measuring the baby they put a diaper on him as well as a onesies and wrapped him up in a blanket and placed a beanie on him then handed him back to me.

" do you guys have a name? " a nurse asked.
" Austin Carter Mahone Jr. "
" perfect name for such an adorable baby! "
" thank you! "
" of course! I'll come check up on you guys later make sure everything's going well Congratulations! "
" thank you. " Austin and I both replied in sync.

All the nurses left and it was just Austin and I with our newborn baby.

" honey hand me my phone please. "

Austin grabbed my phone for me off the table then handed it to me. I unlocked it and pulled my camera up to take pictures of Jr. I'm gonna wait before I post an announcement of his arrival to everyone. I can't believe I'm a mommy of 2.

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