A meeting gone wrong part 2

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Hellooooo💕 Yes after what happened last chapter I can't just leave you guys hanging! I'm going to start with the next chapter without further distractions! Just a warning before this chapter, this book won't show graphic scenes of what Francis does to Arthur. But it is heavily hinted to or mentioned (take the chapter where Arthur explains what happens to him into account. That's a great example how it will be shown/mentioned) It isn't so much in this chapter but in the next it's definitely going to be mentioned. I can't stress enough that I don't mean any offense to FrUk shippers or otherwise. If you have a problem with the way I write this pm me or otherwise comment it (Arthur repeating stuff in the beginning isn't grammar and punctuation mistakes, it's just him as well as everyone else comprehending what just happened) It gets dark from here so read with caution. I hope you enjoy this💕

Arthur's POV


I was surprised by the harshness of his tone especially after how he talked with the other nation. His soft and caring nature just...disappearing. I felt immediately scared and just wanted this to be a dream or something. I just wanted to wake up crying and for Alfred to just hug me and tell me everything will be alright...everything will be alright...everything will be alright. I just wanted to wake up, but I knew pinching myself won't work, it'll just hurt. It'll just hurt so much. I cover my ears and partly my face as I try to force myself to wake up, just to please wake up!

It seemed the other kings, queens and jacks were also surprised, though they don't know anything. They don't know my pain, they don't know the monster that they call the King of diamonds, they don't know why I am panicking, they don't know why Alfred and Yao seem to be about just ready to cry, they don't know why Francis is fuming, they don't know what I've been through, they don't know my whole story, they don't know why I dreaded the feeling of coming here, they don't know that I almost threw up seeing the place I will most likely stay in if Francis wins this and gets me back, they don't care, they don't care. I wish they cared, I wish they'd see I was the queen of spades, I wish they could see I love Alfred, I wish they could see I'd rather die than leave the warmth of Alfred's embrace.

Talking about Alfred's embrace, before Francis could dare touch anything else besides the already gone wig Alfred hugged me close. I nuzzled into him hugging him closer than I think I ever have. "Arthur go to our room," Alfred muttered to me but I didn't let go. Right now Alfred is the only thing that calm my thoughts, my loud thoughts, it's unbearably loud, I can't even comprehend what the other kingdoms are whispering about the whole ordeal. I just pressed my head into the his chest, feeling his clothed chest and his arm wrap around me. His hand was placed by my head as if it was acting like a shield. Honestly though...

It worked...

It's as if the second his (granted covered) skin pressed against mine, my thoughts just disappeared. Okay not fully disappeared but definitely made it decrease in volume and intensity. I now only let out small pants and soft breaths. "Arthur please go to the room," Alfred begged me as I shook my head just hugging him tighter. "No... I'm...staying...with...you," I begged him as he looked at me. He was about to object but Francis interrupted him.

"He isn't going anywhere. You're first going to explain what he's doing with you," Francis glared at us as Alfred only returned the glare holding me closer. "He stumbled into my kingdom and claimed you abused him. Is there any truth to that?" Alfred still seemed to keep up a professional attitude but by the venom dripping from every poisonous word he spoke. "He is a lying peasant who just wanted to use you for your power," Francis glared at Alfred as I wanted to object but I knew it was no use since at the moment... It sure fucking seems like I'm that...

"Could we stop acting like small children. Ali- I mean Arthur did Francis abuse you?" Ludwig finally stepped in as Francis glared at me. I turned to face him, Alfred wanted to let go but I just brought him back and let him hug me from behind. "I-I don't quite know sir... I... All I could tell you your majesty is that I'm much happier and actually get treated like a normal person by the Spade kingdom," I try to smile but it was full of sadness and panic so it seems forced.

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