First night back (smut)

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Hellooooo💕 So like I said in the last chapter this chapter is purely smut so if you're sensitive to that just skip this chapter. Just take note Alfred and Arthur are going to become king and queen and they confess their love for each other in this chapter. I own a smut book so if you like the way I write this go check that out as well. This chapter isn't going to be above 2000 words like my other chapter since this is just smut and a bit of coronation planning but that's it. Anyway let's begin with this sinful chapter shall we?💕☺️

⚠️!!!SMUT!!! If anyone wants to know I own a smut book so I'm not afraid to get explicit. This isn't going to be kinky, just soft vanilla sex. A lot of repetition in words. No this is not a grammar/spelling error. This is just to add emphasis on Arthur's emotions and how he's savoring every minute of it⚠️

Arthur's POV

"You want me to be your queen..."

"Yes because then you're safe if Francis ever tries to take you again, since he can't steal my queen. Also then I can keep you safe at all times," he explained as of course this made me happy that wanted to protect me and not lose me again but... He didn't do it because he actually loved me... Or at least he never admitted to it...

"What's wrong Arthur? Of course if you don't want to become my queen then I won't force you to. I just want you to be happy and safe," he explained probably sensing my sudden sad vibe. I probably look very sad at him offering to make me become his queen, probably the highest proposal of all. Usually a big ceremony is but now it's just the two of us in the nurse's room. "No no it's not that, I'd love to rule with you! It's just...It's..." I try to explain without getting Alfred to reject me. I stare into his eyes trying to find any emotion while I softly caressed his cheek. Him holding my hand softly on his cheek making me smile...




Blue eyes. The ocean could be seen in those eyes. The most beautiful ocean I've ever seen. The gorgeous sapphire eyes seems to get closer to me as I realized we were both leaning in to kiss. His blue blue, sky blue eyes staring into my green, emerald eyes. His eyes darted to my lips sometimes as he held me closer. The clothes touching both of our skins were getting irritable. I just wanted rip both our clothes off and start-

My thoughts were interrupted by his soft lips pressing against my lips. I blush dark pink, probably looking like a cherry right now or maybe a tomato. But I simply don't care as I kiss back happily. I wasn't even trying to fight for dominance when Alfred's tongue poked into my mouth, creating a steamy French kiss. I of course didn't mind this at all loving how Alfred was so gentle.

His gentle touches....

His gentle kisses...

His gentle features...

His gentle personality...

His gentle hold on me...

Wait what? I felt Alfred's arms wrap around me pulling me closer. I'm definitely not complaining though. Alfred's gentle caress of my hips and back felt like heaven on Earth right now. This wasn't a make out session like I had with Francis. This is just a gentle loving kiss that Alfred is clearly using as a sign to say no matter what, through big and small, through thick and thin, through rain and snow, through heaven and hell, through life and death... He'll always always be there to protect me, love me and care for me...

I might be feeling this but I wonder what Alfred was feeling...

I opened my once closed eyes looking as if I was squinting. He had a smile on his face that I could clearly feel and his eyes were shut presenting me with his surprising long eyelashes. I softly placed my hand on his cheek tiling both our head so the kiss was deeper. I could feel this kiss was trailing to something much more...explicit. The way his hands graced all over my body and his soft lips against mine in a deep, loving kiss... It's too much for me to bear as I let out a hum of approval.

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