Are you happy?
"Honestly, the answer is no. I feel like I can be doing much better but I'm not and I don't know why I can't fester the perseverance to do it".
How would you define happiness?
"The definition of happiness to me is never worrying. You're content with your life and wouldn't ask for anything more".
Do you think you'll ever reach the state of complete happiness?
"Yes I do. When I graduate college I feel like I'll finally be happy".
Why college?
"Because when you graduate high school you have so much sh** to go through. The transition between being a high school student and college student is lowkey stressful as fu** and around the time you're still finding yourself and trying to find what makes you happy. But after you graduate, you know what you wanna do. You have a career or at least a decent paying job. Your life is mostly set and and you'll be able to do as you please without having to worry about pleasing anyone".
Any advice you want to share?
"I think right now everyone should live their life with their best interest at heart. And I'm not saying be conceited and care about no one else but always put yourself first because in the end you're you and you're happiness should matter the most.
Defining Happiness
RandomA compilation of individual responses as to how they would define happiness inspired by the original "are you happy guy" on Instagram and YouTube.