Were brothers

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"I'VE HAD IT!" The oldest and most Responsible triplet yelled.
"WELL I'VE HAD IT TOO!" The youngest and the most laziest triplet yells back.
The boys squabbled, leaving the middle child in the middle of this whole mess for once it wasn't his fault. Hallelujah! Dewey just watched on in pure amazement, as the eldest and youngest fought about God knows what.
"Well, don't just stand there Duford! Do something!" The youngest and eldest harmonised.
"Oh, gee! Thanks for noticing I exist fellas, how kind of you! " Dewey said sarcastically, "I would love to, but wasn't one of your restrictions not to include me when you to fight? And if I were to side with any of you, you would have to do my chores for the next year and a half? Wasn't that the agreement we made?"
"DEWEY!" The youngest and oldest harmonise again.
"Ha! This is priceless!" The middle child said while slapping his face laughing. The two brothers who were fighting glared at each other, then there glares both turned to the middle child.
" oh for Pete sake, why are we doing this?"
"Because were brothers...?"
" thanks Captain obvious, "Huey spat back sarcastically. "Of course Brothers fight, but why are we fighting over this stupid thing! "Huey pulled down his hat in annoyance and screamed into it, before putting it back up on his head, inhaling, counting to 10 and then exhaling. "I mean, "He continues. "I mean of course brothers fight, but we've been fighting Way more than we should, approximately 50 more percent than we usually do."
" 50 more percent then we usually do," Louie imitated.
Louie, I swear to God-" Huey said through gritted teeth.
"Will you guys, you know, stop?" Dewey said, causing both of his brothers to turn around and look at him.
" you've been doing this for so long now, aren't you guys getting bored of the same fights? Happening over and over again? Yeah, I get it! Brothers fight in all, but brothers don't fight this much. Guys, what's really the problem? The china bowl incident isn't the real reason. I can tell that from a mile away, so what's the real reason you guys keep fighting? I'm not leaving this room until I get an answer, we clear?"
The brothers nodded in defeat.
" good, now hue, Since you're the oldest tell me your side of the story first,Louie don't even try and but in, let him talk.
" okay... " Huey breathed out, "it started when I was being picked on, I obviously was fine on my own, but my stupid little-"
"Ahem." Dewey Cut him off. "Less of the name-calling, more telling please. " Louie smirked at his eldest brother getting told off.
"Don't even bother Louie, it won't work you know this."
"Anyway, as I was saying. I was being picked on, and I would've been fine on my own, but no! Llewellyn, had to come in and 'help' which got me in trouble. " Huey nearly choked on the last word. Dewey nodded urging him to continue. "Is there more? "The middle child asked, stretching his arms above his head. "No, that's it. "The eldest said truthfully, staying silent. "Okay, first off? I was trying to help you Hubert! But no, you blame me! "
Huey gasps in mock offence. " excuse me? I said nothing, I repeat. I said NOTHING about blaming you! Stop twisting things, all I said was that you tried to help, but you just made the problem worse getting me in trouble. "The last word sounded so wrong on the eldest triplets mouth, but he swallowed the puking feeling and continued. " so stop lying, and just admit that you did this. It honestly wouldn't hurt you just to admit the truth for once. "
And so, the fight started again.
"ALRIGHT!" Dewey clapped his hands while shouting. " that's enough!" Dewey said making the boys quiet.
" thank you. "He said relieved. "Okay, now that we've got into the actual reason, was there really any necessary need to do this? I mean seriously, was there any need?"
"No..." both triplets admitted. Dewey came over and placed his hand on both of theirs. "Why didn't you tell me?"
" why are you me?" Huey questions. "Well, someone had to get to the bottom of this. And I needed to be the responsible one and help you guys, that's what brothers do don't they?" Dewey answered, making both agree with him. "Now, hug it out. " Dewey instructed, moving away so that the youngest and oldest could make up. They hugged it out and apologise to each other.
"Good, now I think the most responsible thing to do here, is to tell uncle Donald or uncle Scrooge that you're being bullied Huey. Trust me, they'll help you, I also don't want to see you guys fight over such things again, we clear?"
"Were clear. "The youngest and oldest harmonised. Dewey Smiled, proud that he could actually be responsible for once.
"Hey Dewey?" The eldest asked, catching him off guard.
"Yeah?" Dewey replies.
"Thanks." Huey says giving the middle child a hug. "Thanks for helping us, I guess it's okay to change your character traits once in awhile, I am proud of you for taking charge. That was very grown-up of you, thank you. " Dewey smiled, hugging the eldest back. "You're welcome, i'm always here for you know that okay?"
"Same here little bro, I'm always going to be here. Now come on! Mrs B is making cookies! Last one to the kitchen has to do the dishes after! " The eldest triplet says, running past Dewey and Naruto running to the kitchen. "Hey, no fair! You got a head start! "The middle child complains, quickly running to catch up to him. All that was Heard for the rest of the day was just giggles and laughter coming from the ones fighting triplets, of course brothers fight that's just who they are. But the McDuck brothers? They always know how to make the situation even better, they loved each other and that's all that mattered. Yeah, today was a good day in the McDuck family.

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