~*I'm Sorry*~

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I’m Sorry…


 It was hard to recognize him through the heavy rain. Oh how I wanted to walk up to him. Either way, he wouldn't notice me. I am a ghost after all. I watch as the rain passes through me as though I am a projection. I go up to him, reaching for him, wanting to feel his warmth. My hand passes through him as I pull my hand away. I wish I could be with him, but, after the incident...I doubt he would even want to see me.

March 7th 20xx

"Hey Sho! Wait for me!" I yell out towards my friend. I run as fast as I can towards the school gates. We're both Second Years at The Ultimates Academy.

 " Hey Hey! What took you so long? I've been waiting for a while now." He says calmly as if I say something wrong he'd scold me. 

" Ah! Gomen, I was helping my brother with homework last night so I woke up late." I say making up an excuse as to why I woke up late. In natural fact I stayed up reading one of my favorite books for the third time.

 "No wonder you look so tired. You have to rest at some point you know. I worry about you." He says sincerely as we walk to our homeroom.

 "What are you, my mom? You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." I say, I hate it when he worries about me. I don't care if we grew up together, he worries too much.

        We make it to our homeroom class and walk in. I sit by a window in the third row and Sho sits in front of me. He turns around, sitting incorrectly in his chair. He puts his head down on my desk and l can tell that he's tired. I know that he is having some trouble at home but I didn't know it was this bad. He's usually so energetic. He would be quick to start up a conversation but today he's awfully quiet. I hate to see him so sad. To most he would seem normal, like a regular teenage kid, but to me, something is wrong and there is nothing I could do. He likes to keep to himself, if I got anyone involved he would hate me for it. Even if it helped in the long run, he would want to pass through till college without getting anyone involved. 

        I hear him sniffle as if he was crying, making my heart drop. I run my fingers through his hair trying to calm him down. This is one of the few times he's ever gotten like this. I place my head on my hand looking out the window slowly stroking his hair. I hear two people walk up to my desk and I see the school bullies. They've been held back for two years, but they're allowed to stay because they are Ultimate's. They were scouted by the school, yet they slack off. I get ready for their antics, trembling in my seat. 

        "Well well well, what do we have here?" The tallest one says making Sho sit up and wipe his face.

        "Looks like a couple of gays to me Clyde," The shorter one states, giving me a glare. I look away blushing slightly. I'm not going to lie, I did have a slight crush on him. That was still no reason to come up to us everyday calling us slurs. 

        "Guys, look; we understand that you like to bully us and all but now is not a great time. So, please leave." I say slightly annoyed. I didn't want Sho to feel even more uncomfortable as he is. I wasn't going to yell at them or anything but if they get too close... I stop paying attention to them but they don't leave until they hear the bell. They scurry out of the class to go to their own homeroom. If they get held  back again they won't be drafted. Sho turned around in his seats giving me a small thank you giving me butterflies. Our homeroom teacher does roll call as soon as everyone is in their seats. I stare out the window as she tells us the announcements for today. Sho looks down at his desk worrying me. He would probably be asking a bunch of questions during announcements but today... I sigh heavily putting my head down. I want to cry so bad but it's the middle of homeroom. 

~'After School'~

       "Hey Sho?" I wanted to ask if he was alright. He barely talks anymore. Something is wrong. 

       "Hm? What up?" He says continuing to walk, little to no emotion in his voice.

       "I was wondering..if..something was going on at home."

       "You sound like Mrs. Green." He said, giving a small chuckle. I blush slightly looking away from him. We make it the intersection where we part so I ask if I could go with him. My parents are almost always away from home and I get lonely sometimes. He hesitates but agrees knowing he won't win the argument.

      We make it to his house and I walk inside. We set up our homework at the table as Sho's sister starts jumping around me. I smile down at her as she gets excited for my presence. Sho drags me away into his room closing and locking his door. He walks up to me, holding his head down. He hugs me, dragging me down to the floor with him. He starts to cry. His silent cries make my heart stop. I hug him as we're now on the floor. He just lays on me as I hold him close, my back against the wall.

      He soon relaxes and later, stops crying. I hold him close and whisper in his ear. "Its ok, I'm right here with you. You don't have to do this alone." He smiles, though it could go unnoticed to those who don't pay attention. We go back to the table and start our homework. I would occasionally look up at Sho and see that he was looking at me. We would both blush and look down at our work. I ended up finishing first, putting away my books and pens. I stare at the table for another 25 minutes, that pass by quickly, as Sho finishes his work. 

      Since he has calmed down at least a bit I wanted to ask the question once more. 

       "Sho, please you have to tell me what's wrong. I just want to help you." I say softly, grabbing his hand and holding it gently. His hands are bigger than mine. I look him in his eyes as he sighs heavily.

     "Why do you care for me. I'm just that one awkward boy in the class. No one talks to me and I can't talk to anyone without being scared. I tremble at the thought of class presentations and I can barely face you." He says looking down

      "It's ok to be shy, nobody judges you for it. You're always happy when you're with me. You don't have to worry about those bullies either. If you don't talk back or show any reaction that they want they'll leave you alone. I-I like the way you are, if nobody wants to be your friend I'll always be with you.

     "But why? You don't have to hang out with me. I know you don't like me and I know that if you hand the chance you would leave me to rot in the trash. I know that you're not really my best friend and that you you just," He says this is a panic, raising his voice.

     "Just be quiet for a second Sho! All of that was incorrectt. I want to be your friend and I'll always stay by your side I would never let you go" I say raising my voice and getting up.

      "But why? Why are you being so nice to me." He says tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.

      "Because I love you ok? I hate it when you talk bad about yourself. I'm always there for you and I'll always be there. Even if I die, I'll always be there for you. So stop talking bad about yourself. please." I say tears streaming down my face. "I have to go.." I just came out to my crush. Oh I've got to run. 

      "Wa-Wait!" Sho calls for me but I just grab my bag and my phone. I ran out of his house not paying attention. I run into the street and I see a truck hurtling towards me. Then everything went black.

Please don't ask for a part 2 or anything. This was a one part story. I hope you liked it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

•~•Published on July 25th 5:15pm•~•
1486 words

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