chapter 2

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Tae pov ~
When that boy enter in class room I was only looking at him he is so handsome . Then I realised he is looking at me too
Tae - y/n who is he ??
Y/n - stupid u don't know him ?? he is a popular nerd !!
Tae - A nerd ? How can he be a nerd just look at handsome 😍
Y/n - yea he is handsome... but he is nerd... His name is always on the top scorer board ! He always ranks first among all division .

He was searching for seat for himself then a girl calls him

Girl - oppa here's an empty seat..
U can sit here !
Jk - thanks but I'll be sitting on last bench

Jungkook pov ~
I was searching for a seat one girl tell me to sit with her but suddenly I see a very cute boy is sitting on a last bench so I tell her that I want to sit at last bench and then I walk towards last bench .
Jk - Hey... Is there anyone sitting here ?
Tae - huh ? one is sitting here (he fumbles)
Jk - okay !

I sat beside this cute guy....but I really don't remember him... Was he in my division ??? How did my eyes didn't caught someone so beautiful.....
I was starting at him .

Tae pov ~
OMG ! Is he looking at me ? I'm really uncomfortable.... How can someone be so handsome.... F***... Why was he never in my division !!
Teacher - I want u all to mark this on your textbook!!!

Everyone turns to that page and starts to marking

Jk - Hey... Do you have a pencil ?
Tae - yea wait .... (I give him a pencil ) . BTW u are a nerd right.... Still u don't have a pencil ???
Jk - woah boy .... It's just been some minutes and u already know who I am? Do u stalk me huh ? ( He said with smirk)
Tae - wh... what do you mean ?
Why will I stalk u !!
Everyone here know u ! A handsome nude !!!
Jk - woah.... We don't even know each other's name till now and u already gave me a nickname !! I'm impressed ! 😉
Tae - Hey... It's not a nickname.... I just said who u are ....
Jk - ohh.... That means.... U think I'm handsome huh ? 😉
Tae - u ! Don't think wrong okay.... and yea Why are you winking again and again....? Ur teasing me .... (I pouted )
Jk - Hey u are so cute when u pout.... don't do that again.... I'll fall for you !!
Tae - huh....wh... what ?? (I blushed )
Jk - uh... leave... Don't think about it! (He said shyly)

Did you guys like this chapter 😄 new chapter will be out soon plz wait for it 🙏
Plz if any problem is there let me know in comments 😊
Thx for reading

I love you 😘
And remember
I purple u guys 💜

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