chapter 5

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??? - taehyungggggggg what the hell are you doing ???
Tae - what happened ji... jimin ?

Jimin POV ~

I was searching for tae then I suddenly see that many students are standing in the middle of the lockers I ran there to see what is going on there..... But I was surprised to see that someone is going to kiss tae...... So u know what I do .....

Jimin - are you asking me what happened ?? What are you doing don't u remember what happened when we are in school ???

I looked at the crowd and said

Jimin - guys u can leave now everything is over .
Jk - fuck who the hell is this bitch!! I was gonna have my first kiss !! He ruined everything...
( He thinks)
Tae - jimin u are overeating....
Jimin -  tae don't u remember what happened to u huh? ......
U kissed a guy coz u had feelings for him ! And next day when you confessed to him... He said he was just doing it for fun.....
Tae - sorry..... Jimin.... 😢
Jk - what!!! How can someone just used this beauty for fun
(he thinks )
Jimin - don't say sorry tae ..... I said this before I am your best friend ❤️.
Jk - best friend more like a boyfriend 😒 (he thinks)
Jimin - and u !!! ( I turned towards that guy )
Jk - yes ??
Jimin - wait ...
Jk -  what
Jimin - u are jk right !! The popular nerd ??
Jk -  yea ... So ??
Jimin - taee see he is so popular...
All the girls are mad behind  him !! I am sure... He is a player !

??? - he isn't a player !!!
( We hear someone )

Jk - hyung ....
Suga - who the hell are you to call him a player huh ?? (He put his hand on jk's shoulder and turns towards me )
Tae - who the hell is he..... Putting his hand on my man ! ( He thinks )
Jimin - Hey youngi don't tell me ok !!!
Suga - Hey are you fan of mine ?? How do you know my real name 😏😏 .
Jimin - I am not your fan .. I know your name because we are in same class 😒😒
Suga - if you say so 😏😏.
Jimin - everyone knows your name 😒😒
Suga - ohhh really ok then
( He turns to one girl and ask her ) Hey do you know my name ??
Girl - Yes of course Suga oppa 😊😊.
Tae - jk who is this guy ??
Jk - ohh!! He is one of my friend ... More like hyung...😊
Tae - Hey my name is TAEHYUNG . U can call me tae .
Suga - hi my name is Suga .


By the way I will be little busy I will update new chapter little late 😅.

Guys what do you think who is it 😂 ??
Did you guys like this chapter 😄 new chapter will be out soon plz wait for it 🙏
Plz if any problem is there let me know in comments 😊
Thx for reading

I love you 😘
And remember
I purple u guys 💜

I love you 😘And remember I purple u guys 💜

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Taekook forever 💜😘😍

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