A Sith vs Jedi Fight

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Yuu's P.O.V.

       My eyes widened as I looked over at Crowley. So, this is the man everyone fears, even more than Ferid himself. I only heard of him through the stories Guren told me about when I was younger, but I never thought of meeting him. In Guren's stories, Crowley was the most blood-thirsty man alive. He would take on every rebel and beat them all with just one hand; he is that extreme but I knew not to be afraid.

        "You're Crowley Eusford?" I asked while trying not to be scared. "Why yes I am," Crowley said with a big smirk on his face, "I'm surprised that you haven't heard of me." "I actually have," I said, "Guren told me all about you, just not what you look like. Crowley looked at confused before having the face of realization before stating, "ah, so you're Guren's student that Ferid told me so much about, Yuichira Amane." "you darn right I am," I said with a little bit of anger in my voice, causing Makoto to say, "Yuichira."

       "My, my, you're anger is like as Ferid said," Crowley said with a smirk, "how about I make you a deal." I knew what his deal was going to be, but I did not want to be killed right away; so, I'll listen to his deal thing but I already know my answer. "Join me, and we'll rule over this galaxy," Crowley said, "you'll be my pupil, and you'll get everything you ever want." "Hm, let me think about I said, " I said as I pretended to think about it before I yelled, "No way in heck!"

      After I said that, I threw my lightsaber at Crowley and it caught Crowley cape, causing him to get stuck. "What the heck did you do?!" Makoto yelled, which cause me to say, "get Mirai and yourself to the ship landing area, if I don't come back in five minutes, go back to the base." "Are you insane?!" Makoto asked me before saying, "that's suicide!" "It's the only way," I said angrily before calming down and continued with a smile on my face, "if I don't make it back, promise me that you'll tell Mika that I'm sorry for not returning and that I love him. "Yuichira-" Makoto said but I interrupted him by yelling, "promise me!"

      This made Makoto completely spooked before he said in a stern voice, "I promise." With that, he and Mirai ran pass Crowley and managed to make it to the ship landing area. This was around the time Crowley got my lightsaber unstuck to his cap, to which I used the force to bring it back to me. "You are going to pay for that!" Crowley yelled as he took out his lightsabers. I have learned down to fight against someone with dual lightsabers, but never have I thought that I would fight Crowley.

        However, I didn't get to choose to fight Crowley because he quickly lunged forward and attacked me. Our battle felt like it went on forever, with either me dodging Crowley or me trying my best to beat him. I had never been taught on how to fight Crowley, mostly because no one fights him. All I can trust now is the power of the force and myself; I managed to fight him as much as I can but I was then forced push onto a platform, which was on the ceiling. At this point, I was starting to get tired and my reflex weren't going as fast.

        So, after a few more seconds of fighting, Crowley was able to unarm me and my lightsaber fell into the lava below. I fell onto the ground as I was about to get up, Crowley's lightsaber was pointed at my neck. I knew I would die if I got up now, but I was also upset at the same time. "You coward," I yelled, "you really kill an unarmed Jedi?" "well, I'm not known for sparing my enemy," Crowley said with a smirk, "you should've joined my side."

         I was dreading the moment of when I die; this is it, though I have never expected to die from Crowley. Although, what happened next surprised me; "however, I can be merciful sometimes," Crowley said catching me off guard, "let me show you something." At that moment, Crowley grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to the edge of the platform. I looked out and noticed that Makoto and Mirai were captured by Ferid. My eyes widened as I felt my heart sink; "you see Young Amane, your friends are already captured," Crowley said, "however, if you join my side, I'll let them go back to their base."

          "You're lying, I know what you Sith do!" I cried out angrily before Crowley said, "maybe I am, maybe I not, the choice is for you to find out." That's when I started to hesitate; I don't want to join Crowley, but I don't, Makoto and Mirai could probably be killed. As I looked down at Mirai and Makoto, I felt sorry because I was the one who told them to go find a ship. I closed my eyes, as I began to say my answer...until...

          "Kureto! Ferid! Stop right there!" I heard someone yell as I quickly opened my eyes. I then saw Guren stand a few feet away from Ferid, Kureto, Makoto, and Mirai. But Guren wasn't alone, he had Shino, Mitsuba, Yoichia, Kimizuki, and even Mika with him. What I was most surprised about was that Krul and Lacus, I believe that's his name, was there. They're Sith warriors, well one of them is a Sith lord, they shouldn't be helping us. Wait, maybe Mika convinced them to help, he did say something about Krul being on our side.

          I got look at Crowley's face for a sec and he did not look happy at all, though I kinda expected that. I took one last look back at the others and I saw Guren and Kimizuki pointing their lightsabers at Kureto and Ferid who I think forgot their weapons, while the others held their weapons out for the guards, except for Mika who was talking to Makoto; he must be telling Mika about what happened to me. I knew now that I have to do something, otherwise I'll be Crowley's little puppet. Oh boy, I do not want that; "no, I will not join your side Crowley," I said with anger in my voice, "I may have a strong or angry personality, but I would rather die than to join your side. So let me go!"

         As soon as I yelled that, I yanked my arm away from Crowley and force pushed him away from me. He hit into the wall as I ran on the platform, trying to find a way off of it to get back to the others. I ran all the way until I got to the edge of the platform, which had no way of escaping. "You should not have done that Young Amane," I heard Crowley say as I quickly turned around to see him walking towards me. I was trapped, no where to go but down. I looked down again before noticing a platform close by that I could jump to.

        I then started to quickly form a plan before I turned back to Crowley and said, "if you think that you trapped me then you are wrong." I then jumped, or well back-flipped off of the platform as I focused my attention on the other platform close by. it's my one shot, if I don't make it then it's over for me. With the help of the force, I was able to land the landing on the nearby platform but I fell onto the platform as soon as I got on it.

          Well, that was easier than I thought...which was something I shouldn't have thought. Why? Because as soon as I got up from the ground, I felt the ground start to collapse. I quickly grabbed onto the ledge of the part of the platform that wasn't collapsing and tried my best to hold on. But, as my luck would have it, I couldn't hold on much longer and I let go of the ledge. I fell onto the platform that collasped which kept me safe from the lava, but the question was for how long. Well, this is it, isn't it? This is how I die; that thought terrified me. However, little did I know, I wasn't going die. While I was falling from letting go from the ledge, a familiar voice cried out...




The Jedi and The Sith (Star Wars AU, Mikayuu story, and female Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now