41 Rhoswen Solone

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A/N: Rhoswen's reference, my art is mmmehhh <3


_Rhoswen Solone_

Rhoswen had neglected to think about what leaving here meant. The girl hadn't realized she would go missing in the eyes of her father, and after they had been having a growing number of arguments lately too. To him it would feel as though he had neglected her, and to outside audiences it would appear as though the spoiled little delusional girl ran away after not getting what she wanted too many times. But this was not so.

She had a higher calling than being a spoiled brat, she was going to save people. Rhoswen loved her father dearly, after all he was the only parent she had left- and she refused to think of her step mother as a real mother for her. The woman was a rat.

Rhoswen was going to save people; even if it wasn't the world, at least she could save these seven. She could make a difference to them and that's what mattered. If it meant hurting her father, then that was an unfortunate side to things but not enough to stop her from doing what was right.

But the girl had neglected another thought. She had not thought about how it was she was going to arrive at this academy. So when she left with as little as she could take, she found herself in a situation she had never been in before. Alone and vulnerable outside the grounds of the castle she had grown up in.Though it was true this woman was guiding her on where to go, she was not really there. If something were to happen to Rhoswen, this woman would not be able to save her. The wilds were no place for a little girl to be.

She had been walking for hours now, the bag on her back making her shoulders ache terribly. She was not accustomed to activities such as these, having grown up a wealthy lords daughter with servants at her beck and call. Her feet hurt too, already feeling the pain of approaching blisters. The girl had not been aware that there were better shoes for walking long distances in. She had put on her regular dress shoes which were now dirtied and likely ruined. Speaking of ruined, the dress she was wearing now was tearing at the bottom not to mention covered in dirt. It had grown heavy on her as she walked, so much so she wished she had worn a lighter one.

"I was a fool to agree to this," she huffed and puffed as she walked. They were walking through fields at this point, staying off the main roads as not to attract unwanted attention. The only downside of this was that there were much more obstacles to cover, not to mention it would take longer to arrive at their destination. "Where are we going anyway?" She asked the woman who easily walked along side her.

"Not far from here there is a town, I managed to move closer to you since our last conversation. Lucky me you said yes and I hadn't wasted my time," the woman said with a smile. "My body would be there waiting,"

"Why didn't you just greet me yourself in person this time?" Rhoswen found herself asking.

"Too dangerous for me, besides it's a lot easier to sneak into a castle when you're invisible."

"Oh..." Rhoswen mumbled out, thinking to herself. "How did you find me anyway?"

"People talk. Word was out that Lord Solone wanted a seasoned medicine practitioner. After that was out, rumor spread fairly fast." The woman explained to her.

"And you just blindly trust Rumors?" The blonde girl asked now.

The woman laughed lightly. "Of course not. Part of why our organization is so successful is because we have ways of finding people like you and me," she clarified.


"It's not my place to say, perhaps you will learn when you join us."

Rhoswen frowned, her brows furrowing with suspicion. "But I am joining now,"

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