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"Aww, c'mere!" Boun coos as he crouches down, calling the cute little golden retriever that's always been joyful  whenever Boun pays him a visit

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"Aww, c'mere!" Boun coos as he crouches down, calling the cute little golden retriever that's always been joyful  whenever Boun pays him a visit. He's been anticipating this day, the day that he'd finally get to take his first adopted dog with him. 

"What are you gon' name him?" The son of the current caretaker asks Boun, looking at him with wide, curious eyes.

Boun smile at him, shaking his head as he continuously pets the little ball of sunshine. "I don't know yet. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Chicken nugget!" The kid exclaims an instant answer, as if he'd been waiting for Boun to ask him since he'd arrived.

Boun laughs, growing fond of the kid. "That's quite a long name." He says, though he is kind of considering it. The dog does resemble the color of a chicken nugget, he thought. He smiles, actually considering the kid's suggestion.

"Where's your girlfriend?" The kid then asks without so much of a thought - you know, how curious, little kids usually are. The smile on the elder's lips faltered, flashes of their memories blinking on and off in his head as if he was suddenly pushed down a trip to memory lane.

"She's um, she's in a different place now." Boun smiles, the kid knitting his eyebrows in confusion. He looks like he's about to ask a shit tonne of questions regarding Pineare's whereabouts when his mom finally came emerging from the backdoor of their house, a big brown paper bag cradled between her chest and her arms.

"He still has remaining vitamins, he needs to take it once everyday. Here's his other essentials; soap, shampoo, powder, and the such. And here's his favorite toy." Mrs. Anne says as she lifted the items one by one, showing them to Boun and giving him basic instructions as to how and when his new fur baby should take them. Honestly, Boun had been researching about all of these for the past two months. To say that he's been excited is a mere understatement. He really is looking forward on spending time with his new baby.

"Thank you so much for these." Boun says, taking the brown paper bag from the woman. Mrs. Anne clips the dog's leash to its red collar, smiling as she hands the other end to the lanky man. 

"Oh no, I'm gonna miss him." The kid pouts as he looks up to Boun, still sitting down next to the golden retriever, petting under his ear.

"Chicken nugget wouldn't forget about you. Right, chicken nugget?" The boy's mother asks, crouching down to pet the dog that their family grew fond of.

Messing up the boy's hair, he pats the child's head, chuckling at its pouting face."And we'll make sure to pass by from time to time, don't worry." The boy's face beams.

"You promise?!"

"Of course."


"And what the hell is that?" Boun's brother, Fluke, asks as he points to the dog that's been running around in Boun's backyard, chasing the butterflies merrily. Boun chuckles.

"That's chicken nugget." He shrugs, smiling at the sight of his hyper dog.

"That's a huge nugget." Fluke comments, going over to his brother's kitchen to scout for food. "Anyway, so Ohm and I are planning to-"

"No, don't!" Boun shouts as Fluke was about to pour himself a glass of milk. He nearly dropped the glass to pieces as his tall brother startled him. "That's for the dog." Boun adds as he grabs the carton of milk from Fluke's hand, switching it with the regular milk that he have in the fridge.

"I nearly died." Fluke comments calmly, voice dripping with sarcasm which only made the older one laugh. "I nearly had a heart attack."

"Well, you were about to drink dog milk." Boun argues, still laughing his ass off.

"Well, you kept it beside the fucking human milk." Fluke says, still smiling ever-so sarcastically. "Anyway, as I was saying, Ohm and I are planning to go to Pattaya this weekend, d'you want to come with?" 

"And be your third-wheel for the hundredth time in a row? No thanks." Boun shakes his head, smiling at his brother instead. He went to open the sliding door leading to his backyard, the sound of it making Chicken Nugget halt and run towards his direction. Boun sat down on the wooden steps, welcoming the joyous dog with open arms and it jumping to him in an instant. 

"No, come on! We'll go to the beach, go to the bar at night, y'know? All those fun stuff." His brother tries to persuade him, sitting next to him and making Chicken Nugget look towards his direction. "Oh, no no no, don't you dare come near me." He threatens the dog, holding out a finger as if that would stop the energetic pet. The dog only wag its tail before jumping to Fluke, making the younger groan in annoyance. "Ah, fuck. I spent so much time lint rolling this jacket this morning, damn it!" He dramatically exclaims, as if his protests would make the dog realize its mistake.

"He likes you!" Boun chimes, trying to pick off all the white dog hair that's now sticking to Fluke's black hoodie, the latter flashing him an unamused look.

"Duh, who doesn't like me?" The younger rolls his eyes. "So, what do you say? Are you gonna come with us?"

"I'll pass. Besides, I can't leave Chicken Nugget here all alone. Right, buddy?" Boun coos, scratching the chin of the dog which woofed as a response.

Fluke sighs, finding the point in his brother's statement. It hadn't been a solid month yet since Boun got to bring home his new housemate anyway. "Okay, I'll let it slide this time, but next time we ask you to tag along, you better come with us." Fluke says, now letting the dog lick his hand, as if slowly and unconsciously getting fond of him.

"Can't I just get a life time free pass? I'm getting tired of tagging along with you and Ohm." Boun whines, as if he's suddenly back to being the whiny teenager that he was. Fluke flicked his forehead in return.

"Bitch, you can't just stay here forever." He sasses, tucking a few strands of his hair away from his eyes. Boun's now used to his brother being this sassy. No matter what he says, it wouldn't faze the older one anymore. Other people might find it weird or maybe even disrespectful, but it's a thing that these siblings understand between them.

"I'm perfectly fine, I don't know why you keep on dragging me with you and your boyfriend's dates." Boun murmurs the last part.

"Boun, it's been more than a year I-"

"Can you not bring her up?" Boun interjects quickly, not wanting to hear more of Fluke's statement. The younger one immediately shutting his mouth, though his eyebrows are still meeting in the middle. "Please?" He adds as he lets out a breath.

"Fine. But, it's been more a year, is all I want you to realize, okay? You'd have to move on sooner rather than later." His brother tells him. "I don't mean to upset you, I hope you know that I'm only trying to get you out of this house just so that you can regain your old self back." Fluke says. Though Fluke's usually sassy, irritated, frank, sarcastic, and outspoken, he really does care for his older brother. He's worried about him, worried that he might get himself stuck living in the past for the rest of his life.

Old self. Bounm had to bite back a sarcastic laugh. Why, did he change? As far as he knows, he's still his old self. "I'm okay with how things are right now, just - don't worry about me too much, okay? Have fun with Ohm, you two just go on your vacation and bring me home some food, 'kay?" Boun says, chuckling afterwards, brightening up the mood.

Fluke nods, now smiling. "Okay, fine. But you better come with us next time! Ohm actually wants you to come, dumb ass." Fluke rolls his eyes, his natural sass now coming back. "Sometimes I wonder if my boyfriend's more fond of you than me." He sarcastically adds, bumping his shoulder against Boun's, making the older laugh once again. 


EHHHH I hope u liked it hsdjfgjhdf please send me some feedbacks aaaaaah THANK YOU!!

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