The Prophecy Questions

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"I'm sorry Hamish" Ellie said softly, still looking at the ground, "You know, it's been a really long night and I need my beauty sleep, so I'm going to head back to my dorm" Gabrielle stated flipping her hair and getting up "Oh, Gabrielle, before I forget, the spell is 'Vox in Cantus' if you want to speak to Midnight" Ellie replied, Gabrielle nodded and headed out into the night. "I don't suppose you have room for five more wolves.... we are happy to share" Jemma stated, "Come on I'll show you a couple of rooms you can use" Jack informed them and headed upstairs being followed by David, James, Jemma and Ethan "You coming girl?" Ethan called over his shoulder to Ellie, "In a minute" Ellie replied. "We had better get going too..." Randall stated looking at Lilith and Nicole, who stood as well and left Hamish and Ellie in the living room on their own.

After an awkward silence, Ellie spoke first "I'm sorry again Hamish for dropping this on you, yours and Tundra's scent is all over this place and when you came in, the smell was stronger and it was like I reverted to.... a... a.... stunned, drooling, teenager!" "It's ok" Hamish replied shrugging his shoulders "it's actually nice to be the one the girl is after and not Jack or Randall!" He finished with a chuckle. When a couple of beats had passed Hamish posed a question "Can you tell me what the counter spell is? I understand it won't work" Hamish rushed to add, waving his arms about, when he saw Ellie's face "but I'd like to know what it said anyway" Hamish finished. "Ok" Ellie stated "Our hands would be loosely bound with a silver coloured ribbon or scarf and we would both have to say 'Et prophetiae de lupi, Liberi Dianae potes et complebitur hoc tempore, sicut pugiles non aequare' it's Latin for 'The prophecy of the wolves, the children of Diana can not be completed at this time as the champions do not match' and that would be it" Ellie completed.

Hamish nodded his head deep in thought, he then caught Ellie yawning out of the corner of his eye, "It's late, so I think we should head to bed, so I can think things over and write down any questions I have. Would you like to meet for breakfast?" Hamish proposed "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Well goodnight Hamish, I look forward to your questions in the morning" Ellie smiled and headed upstairs to find her pack, Hamish on the other hand sat on the couch for a while wondering what the hell was going on and what he was going to do about it.

After what felt like tossing and turning all night Hamish was dressed and waiting for Ellie in the foyer with what he felt was practically a whole notebook full of questions and random thoughts on the matter. Ellie came skipping down the stairs with a smile on her face and when Hamish saw her he couldn't help but smile in return.

"There is a great place I love to get breakfast, do you want to walk there?" Hamish asked bouncing on his feet, "Sounds great" Ellie replied. Hamish and Ellie filled the time it took to get to The Boulevard Coffee Roasting Co. with learning about their ordinary backgrounds but staying off the prophecy topic, "What would you like?" Hamish asked looking down at Ellie who was looking up at the menu "Ummm, can I please have a ham and cheese croissant with a Lily tea, oh and a twisted Nutella danish" Ellie replied "Hungry huh? I'll grab a spinach and feta croissant with a cup of the Pacific Spirit Espresso. We will be sitting at the table in the back left corner behind the couches" Hamish informed the barista as he paid for breakfast.

Once they sat down, the comfortable feeling that they both had disappeared, leaving them feeling more than a little awkward, which was only broken by a waitress placing their order on the table, "So, where would you like to start Hamish?" Ellie questioned, to buy a little time Hamish pulled out the notebook he had in his satchel and began leafing through the pages trying to pick a question to start with, "Ok, how do you know the prophecy is for Arctic and Tundra? The Christopher Knights had Alpha, why not have him?", Ellie had a sip of tea before replying "Actually that's a really good place to start. I found out this information when I entered the collective unconscious to talk to the previous Arctic champions, since Arctic herself wasn't giving me anything. So, going back to the very beginning of the knights, I mean when the wolves became hides, there was already Alpha and he had to choose his mate as he did not have one and Alpha wanted Arctic but Arctic wanted Tundra. In true 'Romeo and Juliet' fashion, Tundra and Arctic ran away the night before the hide ceremony and... um..." Ellie blushed a deep shade of crimson at this point "Mated? Had a wild time in the forest? Lots of sex?" Hamish finished, his voice almost dropping to a growl, which made Ellie's eyes snap back to Hamish's face "Please don't - it's hard enough keeping myself in check around you - you do that and I'll throw you against this wall and kiss you until we are both breathless" Ellie stated without blinking.

Hamish swallowed and Ellie could see it took all of his composure and control to remain in his seat, but Ellie had also noticed the quick change in his eye colour. "Please continue.." Hamish coughed "Ok, so Arctic and Tundra head back to where the hide ceremony will take place the next day and Arctic has Tundra's smell all over her, which pissed Alpha off, so he took Beta as his mate / second in command instead, but they did not get time to make it all official, before the hide binding ceremony", "Where is Beta now?" Hamish quizzed "We don't know, Beta took charge of the Knights of St. Catherine when we split but she and her champion just walked out of the pack about 100 years ago, took their locker and we haven't seen them since" Ellie replied.

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