Peter Maximoff

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"Alright, so what's the plan in breaking Erik out?" [Y/N] breaks the silence between the group. Charles snapped out of the haze he's in.

"I'll get the blueprint layout of Erik's jail." Hank rushes to the library to get the paper they will need to atleast hash out their escape plan for Erik.

After a while of awkward waiting between the three Hank returns holding a few rolls of blueprint papers. It was the structure design of the Pentagon. One of the most heavily locked and guarded prisons around the world.

Hank spreads the paper over the table to show the other three the layout.

"The Room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War..." Hank starts pointing at the middle section of the Pentagon. "when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal."

"Makes sense cause they wanna de-power the master of magnetism." [Y/N] says.

"He's being held... a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet." Charles adds with a tired sigh.

"Why is he in there?" Logan asks curiously. The three shared glances together knowing full well what he did. And even if [Y/N] tried to convinced Charles and Hank back then that maybe there's a chance it was not Erik, they purely believed Erik can do something so dire to tip off the scales to his favor.

"What, he forgot to mention?" Charles asked, sound of amusement leaking through his voice. He let out a breathy laugh knowing full well that future Erik did not even had the balls to admit what he did and what prices he had to pay.

"Uh, JFK." Hank tuts in quickly.

Logan blinked and understoods it in a dash. "He killed..." Shock made him stop from finishing the sentence.

"Allegedly." [Y/N] defends to the three. Logan looks at him curiously while Hank avoids his gaze. Charles looks through him unamused.

"What else explains a bullet miraculously curving through the air? Erik's always had a way with guns." Charles statement bore through [Y/N]. He might've gotten his legs back but some part of Charles are not fully moved on on what Erik had done to him. Accident or not. And [Y/N] felt guilty defending the man that is the caused Charles being hopeless.

"Are you sure you want to carry on with this?" Charles asked Logan.

Logan helds up his hands in defense.  "This is your plan, not mine."

"We don't have any resources to get us in." Hank gently explains.
"Or out." Charles adds. "Yeah, even if we know the ins and outs of the place, we still need a concrete plan and tools to break him out. And besides the three of us we are running kind of thin here." [Y/N] says a matter of factly.

"It's just me, [Y/N] and Hank." Logan was thinking though.

"I knew a guy." His eyes wander elsewhere, like trying to remember something. "Yeah, he'd be a young man now. Grew up outside of D.C. He could get into anywhere." This caughts the three's attention. Logan drops his head suddenly. "I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him."

Hank looks at Charles wincing a bit. "Is Cerebro out of the question?" Charles looks away giving his clear answer. "Other options?" [Y/N] tries to change the topic.

"If only you guys had Internet." Logan huffs.

"What's 'Internet?'" [Y/N] asks curiously. There's silence between the three.

"We have a phonebook." Hank chirps in. Logan sighs in disappointment but what other choices do they have? Charles can't and won't use the Cerebro and other than the most primitive way to find someone's address they have nothing.

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