Chapter 16

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*Lizas POV*

     Two days had gone by since Ty made his little video. Or maybe it was three, or four? I don't know, I've lost track of time after the second day here. I'm not sure what day of the week it is, what time it is, or even what month it was. I was still tied up in the hard wooden chair in the center of the room, my arms and legs were now weak and hanging limp over the chair. My stomach growled and my mouth felt about as dry as the Sahara desert. I was only allowed food once a day, water twice, and a bathroom break twice. The food wan't even that great either, it was usually a cooked mouse or something that Ty caught outside. I'd lost probably ten pounds, at the least, since I'd been here, I was becoming weak, brittle, and too tired to do anything. Not that I could do anything. He should just kill me now. 

     "Drink This" Ty held out a cup full of a dark purple liquid near my face. I shook my head no and turned away. I wasn't in the mood to drink some special poison right now. "Drink It" His voice was a bit more harsh than the first time, and he shoved the straw in my face, poking my eye. I gasped and squealed, trying to hold my eye, but couldn't thanks to the rope around my wrists. I silently surrendered and sucked on the straw, gulping down the cool liquid. It tasted like grapes. Grape soda maybe? I stopped drinking and looked up at Ty looking down at me. His face had gotten much harder than when we first met, apparently I was "Too much to handle", but he still refused to give me up. "What was that?" I whispered, that was about as loud as I could talk. "Just grape soda. I found some in the basement." He said sitting down on the mattress in front of me. We sat in silence for a while before I spoke up. "Can't you just take me home. This can't be what you wanted." I tried rationalizing with him, even offering money, but he kept refusing, I was "All that he had." We sat quietly again, and I began to grow tired, my eyes getting heavier and heavier, until they closed. 

     I woke up in the shed, wearing something that I had never seen before, it was just a large shirt, nothing else. "No" I whispered. "No, No, No" I shook my head and tears gently fell from my face. I looked over to the other side of the bed to find Ty sleeping peacefully beside me, shirtless. I silently slipped out of bed, picked up my clothes lying on the floor, and tip toed towards the door. I reached for the knob and turned it slightly, but I was suddenly pushed against the wall. "Where are you going?" Ty held me tightly against the wall and stared into my eyes. My tears came faster now, spilling out of my eyes, "What was in that drink?" I choaked out. A confused look swept his face, "Nothing?" He said. "STOP LYING TO ME" I yelled and freed my arm, and with all my strength, smacked him hard across the face, and escaped towards the house.

     Unlike last time, I made it into the house and locked the door before Ty could come inside. Not long after I locked the door and pushed the chair against the handle, did he start banging and yelling cuss words through the door. By this point I was sitting in the corner, shaking uncontrollably, tears filling my eyes again. He would eventually be able to get into the house, but how and when was the question, and what would he do to me once he got inside. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR" He yelled and banged on the door. "NO" I yelled back, and then the banging stopped. I should have taken that as a sign that he had given up, but I knew deep inside that he wasn't ever going to give up. Just then the worst realization hit me and my heart stopped. The window, he could break through the window. My breathing deepened as I cried harder. I did what was the only thing left for me to do, pray. I clasped my hands together and prayed over and over, not exactly for one particular situation to happen, just for me to be able to see Zayn one last time. I was never a big religious person, but I felt now was a good time for the big man. 

     Halfway through my third prayer, the sound of a shattering window snapped me out of my thoughts and scared me half to death. A few small pieces of glass stabbed my legs and arms, but I had felt worse pains since being here. I grabbed a sharp looking shard of glass and held it tightly in my hands just in case. I looked up and saw Ty climbing through the window, and lunging for me, a knife in his hand. He tackled me to the ground and we rolled around in the glass, cutting up our backs, leaving puddles of blood on the floor. "Hold still you little bitch" He growled and pinned me to the ground, holding the knife in front of my face, only inches away. I gasped for air and tried to protest, but couldn't move or speak. This was it, I was about to die and no one would ever find me. I was probably going to be thrown in a dirt hole outside, all evidence cleaned up. A numbing in my hands woke me from my thoughts. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a crimson red liquid running down my hand from my palm. I was still holding the shard of glass. I looked back up at Ty who was still panting, and I flipped the glass to where the sharp end was facing outwards. "I really hate that it had to end this way" He whispered and raised the knife back to plunge forward, but before he could I said "Me too" and stabbed him in the side with the shard of glass. A loud screech of pain escaped his mouth. He fell over onto his back, dropping his knife, but onto my stomach, slicing me deeply in the gut. I weakly stood up and grabbed the knife, doing something I never wanted to do, but it was the only way for me to survive, I stabbed Ty right in the chest where the heart was. Blood squirted from his chest and he died instantly, not making a sound. A faint smile grew on my face, before I passed out onto the floor beside him. 

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