Chapter 1

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"Are you excited?Are you excited too?"

"Arf!Arf!"Skipper replied while waggling his tail.

"Yeah,right.But Shine is more excited.Am I right,Shine?Am I right?"

"Arf!Arf!Arf!"Shine cried,licking Luca's right cheek and we both chuckled.I rolled my eyes on how manic my brother was.

Lucas and I were cuddling our dogs and tickling each other when mom showed up from the front seat."Guys,behave." She said giving us that I'm serious look.

We just shrugged but we still gave each other a teasing look saying I know what you're thinking and with that,it started again.

I gave Lucas my most vigorous tickle!

"Bwahahaha..!You're not gonna escape from me little rabbit!Bwahahahaha...!"

I just let him roll down on his seat in laughter.I just can't help it.I love tickling him.It's his weakness.And well...mine too.But this time,advantage is on my side so I'm gonna grab this opportunity and enjoy it.

I saw mom glanced from the rare view mirror rolled her eyes,shook her head and chuckled.She knew how stubborn we are.She had to accept it.

Lucas and I continued our tickling war but when mom noticed that Lucas  was already turning bright red, she turned at us again over her shoulder.


Both of us turned to her and I stopped tickling him because she's already really serious this time.

Lucas chuckled.I turned to face him again and heard him whisper to Shine,"She's scared of mom..."and giggled.

I just rolled my eyes and put a little smile on my lips.I scooped Skipper from the seat and petted him.

Dad suddenly interrupted from the driver's seat."Okay,guys.This is San Jose."

"Ooowkeeih..."Lucas said the word in 4 syllables with a Who cares? look.

"So,are we there yet?"I asked.

"Not yet,honey.Sta.Catalina is still 20 or more kilometers from here.We're still gonna pass two more towns."

"How many hours would it still take?"Lucas asked seriously now.I bet he's already tired because I'm already really exhausted.

"We're already gonna be there in less than an hour,Luke."Dad answered with a weak grin.Maybe it's because he's already tired.We we're already travelling for almost a day so he was already driving for approximately eight hours.I guess it's really tiresome because just sitting here at the back seat was already is.How much more when you are the one driving?!

"Yes!Wohooo...!!!"Lucas and I jumped on our seats.That was less than we expected.We're already gonna be there very soon.I can't help ot.I'm so excited!

Oh,by the way.Hi! I'm Lorisse Geroux,16 years of age.You can call me Reese 'cause that's how my friends call me but my family calls me Lor.You can call me either of the two.I'm comfortable in any way you call me.

Okay,so much for that.

You see that lady wearing a summer hat at the front seat? That's Elizabeth Geroux,my mother.And the one who's driving is our driver.Just kidding.

I know you already knew him because we just talked to him a while ago.

Yeah.He is my dad,Mr. Joseph Geroux.And this little boy next to me is my brother Lucas Geroux.

Things work the other way around in our house.Mom is the disciplinarian instead of dad.Dad is the spoiler.He gives us whatever we want even if we don't really need them.Sometimes,dad buys us things secretly like those expensive laptops he bought for each of us without letting mom know about it.When mom knew about it,they quarrelled. If course we felt guilty. Dad said she doesn't have the right to scold him because it was his own money he spent to buy it.It was him who worked hard to earn it and not her.But mom still insisted.She said it wasn't her point.She said it was all about spoonfeeding and everything.We have to learn to be independent and stand on our own. If we want something, we have to work with our own hands to have it.

Mom was right.

We also felt guilty for keeping it from her. Omission is still lying.

Mom have forgiven us anyway when we promised not to do it again next time.

So that was really much.

Okay,Are you wondering where we're going?

We are on our way to Santa Catalina! Yeheeey!

Just hearing its name excites me already.

Mom was invited  by her friend, Mrs.Martins,who owns a resort in that place to let her family stay there. And fortunately, we are her family.We are going to stay there for the rest of summer.

I've never seen Mrs.Martins in personal but mom always talk about her and how nice she is whenever she talk about her high school life.

She also invited their other friend's family-Mrs.Stones.

The three of them were already best friends since grade school and were separated after college.

I envy them. Honestly. I myself never had  friends like them ever.

Now is their time to be reunited again after seventeen years.

I've never been to Santa Catalina. But the thought of being their really excites me.The beach, white sand,'m allergic with prawns.How can I enjoy the food their?...okay. Yeah. It's alright. I can still eat any seafoods anyway...except for shrimps. Okay back to the topic...the sea breeze, activities like surfing, jetskie rides, snorkeling,and everything.


This would be the greatest summer I'm gonna experience in my whole pretty life!

And speaking of... we aaaare...!!!


Yeeeeyyy...Chapter one!

Hope you guys like it.

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Love lots...

-Cola ^(oo)^

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