the girl

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"Lilly hunny! Your father is home, come eat!" My mom yelled to me..I never had a good relationship with her, everyday was a another fight, I got up and got dressed and went downstairs

My mother looked at me with the look of 'i regret having you' I looked at at her " what is it now mother?" " Your not wearing that to Kings Cross station" I looked at my dad, he wasn't any help, I mean in mother's defense I was dressed like a gothic slut..I rolled my eyes at her and sat down to eat but she took my plate "hey!-" " your not eating until you change your outfit Lilith Jane riddle!" She yelled at me and looked at my father..he just drank his coffee so mother sighed.


I was at Kings Cross station and looked at my ticket " platform 9 3/4? What!?" I rolled my eyes and walked through the station looking for this platform 9 3/4 if it even exist. I looked around and gave up, I leaned against and wall between platform 9 and ten, I suddenly fell through it and landed on someone I looked at them and hissed at them then got my stuff and got on the train. So what I'm a bitch! And still looked like a sluty Goth, I found a place to sit it was empty and quiet. I put my stuff on the seats across from me and read and book. 

While reading the door opened and a girl peeked her head in and looked at me " hi! May I sit with you?" She asked..I just hissed and read hoping she would go away but she didn't she just came in and sat down and smiled at me " hi I'm Ellie hothorn" she stuck out her hand to let me shake it..I glared at her and rolled my eyes then shook her hand " I'm going to rip your face off if ya don't shut up" I say and go back to reading, Ellie looked at the floor then at me " you know, your not very nice" I growled at her " and Hogwarts is getting closer you might want to put on your robes" she got up and left, I smirked " she's kinda hot" I say to my self then get into my robes.

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