1. Crushes and movie nights ~ Luke

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                 I really wasn't feeling it to day. You gotta do whatcha gotta do when five loud boys stroll in your room. Luke could tell I wasn't feeling good. But he knows how I am I would jump for these boys. An I don't break traditions.

                    I know one day they're going to make it big. I'm two years younger than the boys. I don't know what I'm going to do without them. But for right now. I'm going to watch a movie with these wieners.

                    Breaking the silence since mum finally left. " What are we watching?" Ashton asked. Me, Ashton, and Luke were on the couch. I had my legs on Luke's lap and head on Ashton's. An Calum and Michael were sitting on the single seats.

                      "Can we watch the Lorax?" I pouted. Luke Karate chopped my leg. "No" Luke said sticking he's tongue out. "Let's watch something scary" Michael said putting he's fingers together giving a evil grin. This is gonna be a long night.

                        Me and Ashton have attempted to liking each other a couple weeks ago. We've been really clingy since then so I really think the boys are catching on. I get even clinger when I'm sick. All the boys know that.

                    "Only if I get cuddles" I say in a baby voice. "Come here cutie" Ashton says above me. Now I'm Practically on he's lap. Which caused my dear brother and he's loving friends to go wide eyed.

                       " Well let's get on with the movie" Calum cleared his throat.
We ended up watching My Friend Dahmer. My head was as far in Ashtons neck as possible when he held the knife to the puppies neck.

Mikey walks up the stairs. I guess to use the bathroom. Which the movies almost over. By that time. I'm still on Ashtons lap. Well of course. An then the power goes out. I feel two bodies land on top of me and Ashton which was my my lovely brothers and Calums I think. An then I hear a very late reacting scream.

There's a thump thump thump noise coming from the stairs. Calum jumps up and then Luke grabs my arm and Ashton has my legs following Calum to the street light. " Save the tiny girl!" Calum scream. " Fuck you Calum" I scream still being man handled my two tall boys.

We finally made it to the light. Poor Mikey. The boys finally let me down. The door opens to the house and Mikey runs out the door with no pants one. I feel two hands cover my eyes. "Your virgin eyes don't need to see that" Luke screamed.

~2 Hours after the power comes on~

I feel my self being carried in the house after I fell asleep in Luke's car. While the boys wait for the lights to come on. We're all chickens to be honest. Luke brings me up to my room. An puts me on my bed.

"I love you y/n" wait that's not Luke. That's Ashton holy crap. Ashton said he loves me. Think fast. "I love you too Ash" I open my eyes and see a Gorgeous grin. "Stay" I say. He lays down and pulls me closer so my head is on he's chest. An I slowly close my eyes. Drifting to sleep listening to him breathe.

Until " I knew it" I hear Luke say.

Sorry if it's bad loves. If I spell anything wrong please tell me! But thank you guys sm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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