chapter 1

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i find it hard to believe that a face like that came into a party like this with no girl.

that shit just doesn't happen.

faces like that don't just decide to come to a party without any girl.

i mean seriously.

"samantha! snap out of it. what are you looking at anyway?"

lindsey turns her head to look at the eye candy across the room.

"ohhhhh. i see you." she winks at me, and then she continues to drink whatever stale beer they have at this party.

"i wanna talk to him." i state.

"sammy, babe, you can't just walk over there and expect him to talk to you." she looks across the room to find his eyes looking over to where we were.

"shit." i turn my head not wanting to make eye contact.

"sammy, just follow the rules, and everything will work out."

lindsey left to go get a quick smoke in and she left me here still trying to decide if whether i should go over there and talk to him. i decide to make a move because why the hell not.

as i make my way closer and closer to him i start to notice things about him i couldn't see before. like he is extremely well built with an amazing jaw line. and don't forget to mention his beautifully perfected face.

i finally reach him just as another girl approached him. she wraps her arms around his shoulders and leaves a small peck right on his lips. i kinda just stop and stare for a sec, i probably looked so creepy just watching but i couldn't help myself.

someone clears their throat and as soon as i snap out of it i see it was the girl just kissing him.

"are you just gonna stand and stare or can i help you?"

i was kinda thrown off by her rude attitude. i didn't think she had that in her.

"sorry, i was trying to find a bathroom."

she rolls her eyes and points in the opposite direction, "it's over there, honey."

"thanks," i don't think i have ever ran away as fast as i did back there. like i literally sprinted out of there. that is probably one of the most embarrassing things i have ever done, except for this one time, but we don't need to talk about that lol.

"did you talk to him?" lindsey grabbed my arm through the crowd pulling me outside.

"no his girlfriend or someone he's close with came up and kissed him so i took that as my que to leave."

"aw im sorry sammie, maybe another time"

"yeah, let's just party im not about to let that ruin my night"

and after this conversation i can honestly say that i had a great time minus the hangover ;-)

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