Godzilla Vs. Destroyah

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3rd POV
Godzilla and Destroyah both stared at eachother. The dorsal plates on Godzilla flashing a neon blue, letting off an angered snort as its tail slowly moved across the ground. Destoryah's horn began to spark and crack as power ran through it, the two titans not planning to back down from the fight.
Destoryah and Godzilla both let out a massive roar at each other as they both began walking towards each other, the hatred for one another building larger and larger until eventually....it couldn't be held anymore. Godzilla made the first move, using its left set of claws and slashing Destroyah across the chest, catching it by surprise.
As Godzilla's attack hit, green blood flew from the massive Titan, though it quickly recovered and grabbed Godzilla by the neck and picked it up. Destoryah began to squeeze tightly, making Godzilla roar out in a high pitched way, obviously in pain. Destoryah's eyes then flashed purple very quickly, before a light began to glow in the hand its holding Godzilla's throat, within seconds it picked up Godzilla slightly higher and then threw it to the ground hard, creating a massive plume of dirt.


Palutena grabbed a spear and put it right through the mouth of one of the creatures. She pushed the spear down, breaking it and looking at the green blood gushing from it. She took a deep breath as she picked up a knife that was next to her and went to leave the room.
Pit: Palutena! Watch out!
She was then tackled to the ground by another creature, she used her leg to keep the creature at bay, though it began to expand its mouth as it leaned more and more until it's head was above hers. She took the knife and with all of her strength shoved it into the neck of the creature until the sound of cracking was heard. She then used her strength to slice it across the neck to finish the job, causing green blood to dribble onto her face before she pushed the creature off of her.
Palutena: that's disgusting.
She then pushed herself up and looked at the two angels.
Dark Pit: pretty sure that's all of them.
Palutena: I hope so....I don't think I could take on any more of those.
The temple began to shake as dust fell from the top of the building.
Pit: is it coming down?!
Palutena: no....this has to be Destroyah's doing.

Back in the Fight

Godzilla got up, a massive scratch was across its chest as blood seeped out of it. The two titans began to circle each other like wolves fighting for the role of the alpha. Godzilla's dorsal plates began to glow bright blue as the crests on Destoryah's head began to charge, the two then unleashed blasts at each other, the two of them colliding and causing a seismic wave. Destoryah's blast easily overpowered Godzilla's like it was nothing, pushing it all the way back and then shooting Godzilla in the head, sending it to the ground with smoke coming off of its scales.
Godzilla shook its head as it went to stand up, only for Destroyah's tail to come from no where and go right through the dorsal plates, causing a massive plume of blood to fountain up from the stab wound. Destoryah let out a booming roar, as the Gods in the heavens above felt their power come back....it was the will of the God Killer.... but for what?
Destoryah dug its tail deeper into Godzilla as it then roared out in pain, the gods all watching.
Viridi: why is he allowing us to use our powers again? I mean he made us powerless!
Zeus: he wants to show us.....our champion is nothing to him.
Palutena and the two angels ran to the others to see what was going on, then seeing Godzilla on the ground.
Palutena: Y/N!
Destoryah began to turn its tail inside of Godzilla body, making the smaller Titan feel its spine getting moved. The side of Destoryah's face lit up however, getting the attention of the massive Titan and causing it to look over to the light.
Within seconds a bright figure went into view, it was a giant moth, much smaller than Destoryah was, but it was ready for a fight.
Palutena: Eiríni!
Viridi: who?
Palutena: she came from my body through
Y/N's blood....she's technically my daughter. It looks like she's going to try and take Destoryah away from Y/N.
Godzilla let off a soft pained roar as Destoryah began to move towards Mothra.

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