Chapter 8: Rogue wolf

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Hey guys !!!! So just some back story.
Skyler was rouge for two months before she was taken prisoner.
I know it's a bit confusing and I apologize for the inconvenience but thank you guys for the support ❤️❤️❤️
Ok 👍
on to the story!
Skyler P.O.V

Two months... I've been a rouge for two months. Damn it.
I've had to fight to survive out here while my dad has been hunting me down with my "buyer"
I still get tears when I think of what that man did. I have seen my brother every now and then but I almost got caught by James ones so I never went back to my brother.

I made like a baby and headed out of there. I didn't wanna get caught by satan's hell spawn that I use to be friends with.

Anyway I'm now currently looking for food. I haven't eaten in 4 days. I did find some strawberries earlier but there is no way in hell Imma eat that fruit...
come on, the seeds are on the outside. That's just wrong and weird... also they get stuck in your teeth. And last time I checked, there isn't any floss near by, and I ain't flossing with grass.
I'm not a vegan so I don't wanna eat grass. Even though some people like it. But yea I don't know. The leaves also look good but I don't know if it'll kill me.

Damn vegans gamble with death every time they eat? They are badasses. How do they know what's safe? Do they just grab some grass and Yeet it into their mouths and hope they don't die ?

Huh...Oh.... anyway I'm rambling again. I sniff the air with my wolfy wolf nose and bam... rabbit. I can't believe it!!! I haven't had any luck lately but now I'm tracking a rabbit. It's probably because my birthday is tomorrow. And it's currently about 11 pm. According to the moon. I don't know ok, it's late.

I walk a bit farther when suddenly I hear a snap. The rabbit... it's right there. In the open field, I stalk up to it... about 15 feet away...
14 feet then 13 and 12... SNAP!!!

Shit, I stepped on a twig. I'll just have to STICK to the plan and chase the thing down...

(Get it... stick to the plan... she stepped on a stick... ok I'll go home)

Anyway the rabbit takes off and I run after it. We run for about 100 meter before it jumps into a rabbit hole. Damn it... I was so close. I look around for a bit before another sound catches my attention... crunching forest floor ?
Something is heading my way. It sounds big... wolf big... oh no.

I turn my ass around and run. I swear I was faster than Usain Bolt... because when I say I ran... bitch I was running...

The steps pick up behind me... shit.
Closer they come, the sounds get louder, I push myself faster. My muscles are screaming at me to stop but my brain just says one thing. Faster.
So my legs need to suck it up and run faster.

I run, I take a chance and look behind me to see a brown wolf gaining speed and fast. Damn they must have shifted to get to me. I look ahead when suddenly.... BAM...

hello ground, how did you get to my face ?
Oh yea I tripped... more specifically, I sprained my ankle... mother fucker... it hurts like a butt cheek on a stick. (Vine reference)

Next thing I know the brown wolf, male by the size of the wolf, was standing over me. Growling and starting to shift back to human form... not a wolf anymore but a very naked man...

Nooooo my virgin eyes!!!!! Damn I didn't wanna see that... I look away and cringe... the man gets the memo and goes to a tree and puts on some pants. How did he? Oh shit, only packs stash clothes around the territory... I'm on a packs territory.

How ??? I was in a rouge territory like 3 minutes ago??? Why does the moon goddess hate me!

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know this was a packs territory... I don't mean any harm. Look at me I'm very weak... I didn't--"

I get cut off. Rude.

"Silence rouge, you will be coming with me to be questioned by the alpha. You are lucky to be female, otherwise you would be dead right now. So come on and don't even think of running, or I'll kill you."

Well damn that's intense and sexist... well i don't have much of a choice so I get up and he walks behind me, this is scary, one more guy appears out of nowhere.
What are you? A Witch? Don't do that, you'll kill someone by scaring them. Wait was he floating because i didn't hear him? Is he a ghost? I don't like ghosts...
please haunt the other guy.

We walk for a bit, one guy leading, the other following, both on high alert, we get to the dungeons... wait.... only one pack has dungeons...
oh shit...

I'm in the crescent moon pack... with a rouge killing alpha, an alpha with a heart of stone... shit...

I hope y'all liked it. ❤️
I'm posting 3 more chapters today so look forward to that 👌

love you 😘

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