Chapter 1

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Brie's POV

   "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake played through my headphones into my ears as I danced my way to the catering room. This has to be one of my favorite songs. The beat just gets to me and I love it. I walked up to the counter and got my money ready to get myself some curly fries. You would have thought WWE would have been all healthy foods to keep us in shape but nope. Plus you could never go wrong with curly fries. Along with that I ordered a pink lemonade. The guy behind the counter took my money and went to go get my food. As I waited my body began to move to the beat of the song as it was on repeat. I did a little bella booty shake and smiled to myself.

  "Dirty babe, you see these shackles baby I'm your slave"

"I'll let you whip me if I misbehave, It's just that no one makes me feel this way"

   I sang having no idea if I was singing loud or low. Right now it doesn't really matter I'm in my zone. And once I'm in my zone there is no stopping unless otherwise. As I continued to mumble a few more of the words to myself I started moving my hips as well.

  I felt eyes watching me so I pulled a headphone out of my ear and turned around. My eyes scanned the room and landed on Roman Reigns who was sitting at a table near the doors. He was watching me with an amused smirk on his face. That alone caused me to blush and look away. I slowly placed the headphone back in my ear with a small cheesy grin on my face. The guy came back with my food and I took it, grabbing a few napkins also. I quickly found a table to sit down at and started to eat a few fries.

  What just happened about a minute ago was embarrassing. It doesn't help the fact the i'm crushing on Roman either. It also doesn't help that I'm still in a nerve wrecking relationship with Daniel Bryan. Yes, it's nerve wrecking because he isn't exactly the sweetest person I thought he was. He only puts on the nice guy person for the people. Behind closed doors he's a complete jerk and it's hard for me to come up with a way to leave him because he would always threaten me and I just can't take it. Nikki knows of the situation but I tell her not to do anything because if she does not only will she beat him up along with her boyfriend Seth, don't get me wrong I woud love to see that happen but if it does happen I will still be the one getting hurt because he will come after me for saying something to someone.

  I wish it was easy but it isn't. Anyways it's sad to think about how I am having a crush on someone who is not my boyfriend. If someone else were to say I think I would look at the crazy. But the type of relationship I am in right now, I believe it's okay. I can be bold in my own mind. Kind of silly though. I always think that every time something goes bad between Daniel and I, Roman will come barging in and save me and e could be together. That will never happen that's for sure.

  Even if I could have Roman it wouldn't last long because I don't think we would last long because I don't think I'm his cup of tea, sadly. He would want a woman like Nikki and that's what sucks. He's no good anyways he has that bad reputation around here and not too many people mess with him.Those who have, have been shut down and put in their place with no hesitation by him. If only I could be bold like him and put Daniel in his place.

  I don't even think Romans I exist unless he has watched my matches or something. Deep inside I always try my best in my matches just in case that he is watching. Hoping he will be impressed. I gave up on the idea of trying to impress Daniel long ago.

  I think Roman knows I exist now because he just witnessed me dance not too long ago and I pray that he didn't hear me sing. I don't even think I was that loud. Was I? Nah.

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