Chapter 2

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Brie's POV

  "Did you tell Nicole anything?" He asked in a dark tone, stepping closer to me. I backed up in fear.

 "No, no I swear I didn't tell her anything" I spoke lowly keeping my eyes on him. He eyed me suspiciously. I know there are some times where people can tell when I'm lying. Right now, I hope he can't tell because who knows what he could do. 

  "Then why was she talking to me in that tone then?" He asked taking another step towards me causing me to take another step back.

 I chuckled weakly. "W-Well you know how Nicole gets when she gets interrupted..pretty sassy" I said trying to get him to ease up some. I watched his facial expression intensely and noticed that his hardened expression relaxed a bit but went back to hard again. He then grabbed onto my throat roughly slamming me against the wall. A gasp escaped me as I tried to get his hand off my throat. His grip tightened as his eyes seemed to get darker.

 "You better not have told anyone and if I find out that you did you know what will happen it's no one's damn business anyways do you understand? " He snarled. Tears started to come to my eyes as I gasped for eyes.

  "B-Bryan please!" I gasped pleading. 

  "I said do you understand?" 

"Y-yes!" I squeaked out. He then released his grip and threw me down on the ground.

 "Good" He mumbled before walking away leaving me in the corner holding my throat. I let out a cough and slowly made my way up to my feet. I kept my hand on my neck because I already knew he had left a mark. More tears flowed down my cheeks as I kept my head down walking towards the locker room.I wiped my tears and tried to get myself to stop crying the best way i could.

   On my way there I bumped into something hard nearly making me fall to the ground but strong arms wrapped around me preventing that. I looked up and my eyes met Roman's and I felt like I could have died right then and there. Just looking into his eyes sent tingles right through me. 

  "Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going" He spoke with a slight smirk. I just chuckled softly.

 "It's okay" I mumbled as I realized my hands were on his muscles. Wow, that feels good to touch. My smile grew a bit more at the the thought as I kept my eyes on his.His gaze moved from my eyes and trailed down and his smirk disappeared.Then it hit me that he was looking at my neck. That's when I shoved him off and regained my posture putting my hand back on my neck.

  "What happened?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. I completely ignored his question and brushed past him. He grabbed my arm trying to stop me but I snatched my arm out of his grasp and started to run down the hall towards the locker room and I went in closing the door behind me. That's when the waterworks started to flow again. Now I was scared. What if Roman goes and confronts Bryan. Him and basically everyone in this company knows we are together. Roman wouldn't think of another person doing this because he's not stupid. Oh God I hope that Roman doesn't say anything to Daniel or it's going to be my ass by the end of the night.

   I sniffled and walked over to my gym bag and pulled out a big sweater. Then I sat down on the couch and cuddled up with the sweater and closed my eyes.Soon enough I was asleep.

    My eyes fluttered open and I sat up. I was now realizing that I was in a bed, in a room that I have never seen before.Then a door opened making look towards the door. Roman walked through and closed the door behind him with a smile on his face. "Hey baby" He greeted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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