When you meet him

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(Y/N)'s POV

Hey everyone. Nice to meet you. Well, you're probably wonder who I am. Well, my name's (Y/N) and I killed myself in my own room. Yeah, not the best way to die to be honest with you. Well, I might as well tell y oh a little bit about myself before we began our journey.

First off, I'm a mouse. Yes like the little Mickey Mouse clubhouse you use to watch on TV. Mouse ears, tail, nose, whiskers, all of it. The other demons took advantage of me because I was a mouse. I wore some black overalls cause that was all they gave me. Like I was a child or something.

The one who really treated me like a child was Valentino. The demon moth who found me on the side of the road. He promised that if I was one of his girls, he'd provide me with a roof over my head. And for a while, I believed him. But the thing is...all he really wanted a sex toy to play with. He use to rape me every hour every day only stopping for a short 5 minute break. Then, he'd start back up again. It was complete torture when his lips touched mine. I couldn't...I couldn't stop him.

Sorry, I was crying. Okay, moving on.

So, I ran away leaving nothing behind. Ever since then I was on the run.

While I was on the streets again, I noticed a destroyed beach house on the...well beach of course. I also decided to come closer because those guys looked familiar. They looked like they were having a party. When I looked at the wolf I realized that she had a bump on her tummy. Must've been a party for her and the little ones.

I was about to talk to them when I heard a pile of rubble right next to me. I moved back a bit and saw that it was Valentino. I got so scared that I wanted to run away, but my gut told me that I needed to finished this. So, I took a huge stick and whacked him in the face.

Everyone looked at me either impressed or stunned. "Um...hi." I said nervously not knowing what else to say. "Um...thanks." A reindeer said as she and everyone else started to walk away. Though, when I looked, I saw a demon black cat with a top hat, red wings, and huge claws. He gave me one last look that made me blush. And I think he blushed too.

Okay, now you know the details, time to do a little time skip to a few days later.

After I saw a advertisement to the 'Hazbin Hotel,' I decided that if I was gonna be on my own, I might as well get a job. So, why not work at the hotel. After what I did to my friend in the living world, I might as well try to get my way to heaven if I wanna survive here.

Oh yeah, quick info. I got so mad at my old best friend, who pretty much didn't miss me at all, I threw her in a huge tank full of sharks. I will not say any former details cause you already know how that happened.

Anyway, I went up to the door and knocked three times. Someone answer the door. It was the same girl from the beach house. She was wearing a bow on her head, had white/silver hair, one eye while the other had an X on it and a scythe. "What do you need kid?" I cleared my throat and replied, "My name is (Y/N) and I'd like a job here."

There now you'r wall caught up. Wanna know what happens next? Yeah, me too.

No one's POV

As you made your way into the hotel, you noticed the people around you. The girl with the baby bump was laying on the couch with a demon white spider and a little dog with her. There was also the same demon cat from earlier as well. Everyone, even the little flea was back at the beach house. They must all work here. Or live here for that matter.

"Stay, here. I'll get Charlie." The girl with the X said as she went into a room. Soon, four people, including the girl, walked out. You immediately recognized the deer and the reindeer. "Hey isn't that the girl who knock Valentino unconscious?" The girl with the blond hair asked. You nodded slightly as she went over to you. "Hi, I'm Charlie." She said as she shocked your hand. "Um, (Y/N)."

"Great. This is Alastor, (Al/g), Vaggie, Niffty, Husk, Angel, and the one laying on the couch with the bump is (A/g). Oh and that's her dog Henry." Charlie introduced everyone as you waved at them. "Oh and uh thanks for the help back on the beach." The one named Angel said as you smiled at him. "You're welcome."

"So what do you wanna work as?"

"Well...a bartender would be nice but-"

"Leave that to me." Alastor said as he snapped his fingers and a bar was placed at the center of the hotel. "Oh Husker!" Alastor called as Husk rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that you son of a bitch." He replied as he went over to the rest of you. "What do you want?"

"Why don't you work here at the hotel. You are a good bartender after all. And you can teach this fine lady a few...techniques." Husk literally spit out his cheap booze. "What the hell!? I ain't doing shit." He yelled as you looked at the others. Alastor shrugged. "Okay, I guess you have any of this." Alastor had another bottle of cheap booze in his hand. Husk looked at it and sighed. "Fine." He replied and he grabbed it and drank it.

You looked back at Charlie. "So, when do I start working?"

"Once the hotel gets a few more visits. While that's happening, you can go into the kitchen with Husk so he can teach you some stuff about drinks." Charlie said as you smiled. "Thank you so much. I won't let you down."

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