Chapter 1

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The first day we met when I looked in your eyes, I knew from you were the one for the very first time.•

When we're young we don't have any worries. We just live freely as most kids do, but as we get older we have more responsibilities on our shoulders and more things to care about.
You have to worry about how you dress, who you hang around, who you like and even who you don't like.
You have to worry about that test you really need to study for next week but just haven't got to it yet, and the peer pressure of deciding if you're going to go vape with those 'not so popular, popular kids'.

Sometimes I wish we could go back, back to when my shoulders weren't so heavy with burdens all the time or I didn't have to remember to tuck my stomach just in time for that picture they're going to crop me out of anyway but we can't we're stuck in this time where sticks and stones may break our bones and words can even kill us.

These were just a few of things that I thought about as I daydreamed in my room alone or as the teacher taught about things we'd never need in life. That was until I met River Weston, a senior just like me on a not so cloudy day.

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