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A/N: WHAT'S UP FU- Sorry, that was mean :(! What's up, it's your local angster gangster, Sunni! This is my first fic on this account so, yeah. I hope this is good enough! I also hope you read those content warnings before coming here! If not, then you probably should.

🌹"Oh, what the hell can I do?"🌹

"I'm sorry, but... I don't feel the same. I like Jake."

Luke felt his heart crack a little at that response. I knew it."Oh, i-it's okay. I understand." He said, showing his friend a slight smile. "Are you sure? You don't seem like it." The other boy asked, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Huh? Yeah, I'm sure of it! Something just got in my eye..." He laughed. "Well, I guess we should get going now..?" Zander said, getting up from the grass. "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Luke plopped onto his bed. Jake, huh? I thought of it before, but... I didn't think he'd ACTUALLY have a crush on him. "Fuck, stop thinking about it and go to sleep." He rolled onto his side and groaned. "Ugh..." He couldn't sleep. Not now. Luke groaned and grabbed his phone, looking for something to fall asleep to.

Even with an hour worth of music, poor Luke couldn't sleep. He felt like puking. Something was wrong. He got up and walked to the bathroom. What if I caught it? No, no, it can't be. They probably just made that entire thing up. He laughed, "There's no way I can have it..." Then he threw up a few yellow petals.

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT! HANAHAKI IS REAL! He panicked, was there a way to cure this? He spat another petal. I should tell my parents about this. He stared at the blossom for a bit and went back to his room. Maybe tomorrow morning.

It was morning. Luke had just finished eating breakfast. "You smell a lot like flowers today, I like it." His mom said. "Huh?" He looked at her. I guess that's one thing... "That's probably because of," he gagged, gaining the other's attention. "This..." He held the petals that came out in his hand. His mother's eyes widened. "Did it just start yesterday?" She asked, looking at the flower. "Last night, to be specific." The boy replied.

"Well then, I hope it doesn't kill you. I don't want to lose my only child." She then kissed him on the forehead, "You should get going now. You don't wanna be late for school." Luke smiled a bit. "You better come back home. I know things have changed about it since then, but..."
"I'll be fine, mom. Don't worry too much."

Zander, one of the rare few people who can make Luke's world turn pink. He loved everything about the other boy. The way his lavender eyes shined whenever he smiled, his oh-so-adorable laugh... God, he just wanted to forget about him. Every thought made him feel worse, and it was already enough for the pacifist. Then again, it was almost impossible to avoid him without having to miss a day of school...

"Luke!" He snapped out of his trance. He saw Zander running up to him. "Oh, hey Zander." He said, grinning sheepishly. "I was looking all over for you! Where were you?!" The shorter boy said, grabbing Luke by the arm. "Oh, I was just wandering around! I didn't think you would look for me!" God, I keep forgetting he does this shit... He blushed a bit, coughing up a few petals, but Zander didn't notice. "Wanna eat lunch together? Y'know, as friends?" The shorter boy asked. No need to tell me that last part. Luke sighed. "Yeah, sure." He looked back to the shorter boy. "Okay then, I'll see you later. You better not leave me like last time!" Zander hummed, letting go of Luke's arm, "Yeah, see you." The other said as he headed to his class.

Class was mostly the same as ever. Aside from the fact Luke had to cough every 5 or 6 minutes. This caused his seatmates to move away from him. He just laughed it off. He couldn't blame them for it. He'd also be suspicious if he was in their shoes. I wish I was anyone else. I don't want to be Luke Drumstick right now. He looked at the clock, 6 minutes left. He can manage. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, "Uh, dude, are you okay? You seem... Not so well." The ginger said. "What do you mean by that?" Luke asked. "You look a tad bit dead." Oh, was it showing? "I couldn't sleep too well last night." He chuckled and looked back to the teacher.

The bell eventually rang, and everyone left the room.

Lunchtime. Luke, as promised, was sitting with the two step-siblings. They talked about crushes and love while he just listened. "Luke, what about you?" Zander asked, only to catch the other staring at him. "Luke?" He poked him. "Oh, sorry..." He blinked "What was it again?" He asked. "What's your favorite love song right now?" Ah, that was a hard one. "I have too many." I guess you could say that one song I somehow forgot the title of... 

The rest of the day went on as usual. This was really surprising, since Luke thought that this would affect how he went along with his day. Maybe it will change soon.

"I'm home!" Luke said, opening the door. "Welcome back, son. How was your day?" His father asked. "It was fine, nothing interesting." He replied,

"Good to know! By the way, I've done my research and turns out, there's actually surgery for hanahaki." His mother greeted, coming into the room. "Wait, what? Why are you talking about that? Don't tell me..."  turned to her. "He has it, honey, he has it..." She sighed, looking to her son "How about it, Luke?"

"I-I guess I'll take the surgery then I don't want to die..." Luke said, "I don't care about the risks, as long as I don't die this young, I'll be fine with it." He added, heading to his room. "Well, he's still going to die, you know how kids are these days, Ruby." His father laughed, "Don't say that! I can assure you, he's going to be alright!" His mom nudged him, "Anyways, I'll be making dinner now. Hopefully he'll be alive by the time he gets surgery." She then left the room.

"Yeah, hopefully." The man smiled. "I have a bad feeling about that surgery..."

A/N: I was a bit anxious about publishing this... 👉👈 I'll see you guys in the next chapter which I hope I won't procrastinate on!! 😳

🌻word count: 1133! (1000 word goal hit!)

He loves me; he loves me not. (A TMF fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now