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A/N: here, the ending I planned out before my brain just told me to work on something else. I'm sorry.

*Chapter starts off with Zander rambling about something. Luke isn't listening, he's too focused on something else. The bell rings and everyone goes to their classes. Luke then has to run off to the restroom, someone who's peeing asks him what happened. He tells them what's going on and they talk about the surgery Luke mentions at some point. They then go back to the classroom*

I can't breathe. I put my hands to my throat and coughed. All that came out was flowers, tainted red with blood. Why now? Out of all times, why now? I coughed even more. I don't want to die young... Not like this. I coughed up even more bloody flowers. "Mom? Dad?" I said as loud as I could. Nobody heard me, nobody was there to help.

I sat on the ground and threw up some blood. That got someone to come up and check on me. They're too late. Way too late...

The last thing I heard was sirens. I don't know what happened, but I open my eyes to see... myself? Lying on a table.

Did... Did I die?


"Good morning Mrs! Is Luke awake right now? I have something to tell him."
"Oh, good morning to you too, Zander. I'm sorry but Luke's in the hospital right now. I don't think he'll be waking up any time soon..."
"Wait, WHAT?! Why is he there? Was-was he in a car accident?!"
"Far from that, poor thing had hanahaki."
"I... I thought they made that up..."
"That's what I thought too."
"Would you like to visit him? He probably won't hear you but if he does I'm sure he'll be happy to hear you. For the last time, probably..."
"Zander? Are you still there?"
"Y-yes, I'd like to see him."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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