Not Anymore

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I did what you'd tell me to
I was terrified of what you would do
With every move I'm screwed
Nothing was ever good enough for you
I was just a little girl so I cried and I cried
But now I'm empty
Look if you don't believe me
There's nothing left
Nothing else can hurt me
She gave up on the abuse realizing it's no use
I'm use to the pain
Without it I feel like I'm going insane
Long sleeves hide the marks I've made
I use to be your slave
People think I'm not anymore because I'm brave
I guess being dead already is the same
From what I've been through you might think so too
But I'm no soldier
Never once did I fight back
My anger just built up with every slap, push, hair pull
The lies and excuses I was FORCED to learn to cover her tracks
..When I was just a child I couldn't sleep in the dark
You never know when that woman needed a punching bag
People look at me sad to show sympathy
It must be worse than it seems to me........

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