67. human

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For a few seconds, nobody moved.

The Supers stared at the assembled group in confusion, unable to comprehend the sight before them. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that they'd had enough weirdness for one day—from being trapped in a dimension inside someone's mind to dealing with Monster House reincarnated, the day had been full of unwelcome surprises. Now there was a horde of bad guys in the mix.

You can see why anyone would react badly.

Taeyong was the first to break out of his stupor, being more acclimated to being thrown around than the rest. "Oh, come on!" he yelled, annoyed.

His unorthodox battle cry seemed to do the trick, bringing everyone to their senses. Chaos ensued.

Baekhyun muttered an obscure curse, summoning electricity in his hands as Seonghwa launched himself at him. The orange-haired man attempted to blast him backwards with concentrated flares of electricity, but Seonghwa was light and his wings buffeted him so he was considerably faster than Baekhyun, dodging attacks easily as he raked his razor-tipped wings along the man's chest.

Ten disappeared instantly, and Taemin didn't see where he went. But Jisoo did seem to be unable to speak a few moments later, looking enraged and confused with her lips flattened together as if someone was holding them together. She elbowed the air behind her, pushing forward.

"You're not going to get away with this," Jisoo seethed, her gaze swiveling towards them. "The others may be indecisive, weak, but I will not let years of work go to waste. It's time you faced your defeat."

"And it's time you shut up," Shao said, before tackling her to the ground.

"Just knock them out!" Baekhyun called to the others after successfully fending off Seonghwa. At first, Taemin was unable to see where the winged man had gone, but after looking around he found Seonghwa lying unconscious in a pile of feathers to one side. He seemed to be...smoking? "Don't hurt them, they're not in control of themselves!"

That much was obvious, judging from the humanoids messy and enraged movements, but in the middle of battle it was an easy detail to overlook. Taeyong yelled in frustration as he tried to pin the tall man with the shadows to the floor, but tendrils of dark smoke curled around his body, appearing to loosen his grip as if slowing down the reaction speed of his muscles. "How?"

"I don't know!" Baekhyun yelled back, now wrestling with a young girl who seemed to have fire-breath like a dragon. He ducked as she shot a white-hot bolt of flame in his direction which managed to singe the tips of his hair. "Do your best!"

Lucas was the one having the best luck fighting someone with super-strength, absorbing the energy and throwing his opponent back using the same. However, from the looks of how his movements were slowing down and his injuries were reopening like stitched-together cloth, he didn't seem like he was going to be able to go on forever.

Mark was the only one standing back, looking paralyzed with fear as he clutched his Bracelight. His eyes met Taemin's across the room, wide and panicked, as if saying what do we do?

If only Taemin knew.

"Ooh, you didn't invite us to the fun!" a new voice chimed in, and a familiar face with a head of silver hair dropped in from the hole in the ceiling, followed by a couple of others. Hyuck looked like he was in a good mood for someone who had just entered a superhuman fistfight, a wide grin on his face. "Well, doesn't matter. Crashing parties is always more fun anyway."

He pulled of his gloves and grabbed a rusted metal pole with a broken-off tip. The metal seemed to seep into his skin, turning it from tan to chrome as lines of it traveled up his arms and along his body. Hyuck swung the pole like he was hitting a home run, successfully knocking out an advancing humanoid, and dropped it. Grinning even wider, he flexed his fingers, which were now made of metal. "Sweet."

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