8. I want you

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Saturday . Sixth Day .

Next Morning Taehyung opened his eyes and he sweared on his life that this was the the most beautiful Morning in life . The boy sleeping beside him is the most beautiful view .

Jungkook shuffled and opened his eyes and noticed that Taehyung was staring at him . Jungkook got up and pecked Taehyung's lips .

' Good Morning '

' Good Morning Beautiful ' Taehyung said and ruffled Jungkook's hair .

Jungkook again laid his head on Taehyung's chest .

' Baby i would love to stay like this but we both have college to attend ' Taehyung said .

' I know ' Jungkook said & got up .

' Can i use your brush ? ' Jungkook asked .

' i would have said yes but No you can't cause you remember i was sick yesterday . I will give you a new one  ' Taehyung reasoned and got up .

They both got ready and decided to have breakfast in the cafe . They eat the breakfast in rush as they didn't wanted to be late for their college. 

(They both study in different college )

' Bye baby ! I'll see you later '

' Bye Tae '

In the Noon Taehyung was going to the cafe to meet Jungkook but on his way he got a call . It was from yoongi hyung .

' Hey hyung '

' Hey Tae . I called you tell that the company wants to meet them . Company said that they have to be trainees for some months and then they both can debut ! ' yoongi informed .

Taehyung stopped in his tracks .

' Tae ? ' yoongi

' yeah ... yeah hyung that's great thanks ' Taehyung said .

' No man Thanks to you ! Tae i need their phone numbers so i can call them '

' Hyung i have a request ' Taehyung said.

' ok tell me ? ' yoongu asked .

' can you call jimin tomorrow at 11:45 at night and tell them about this news ' Taehyung asked .

' Ok Tae i'll do what you want '

' Thanks hyung i'll send you Jimin's number '

' Tae you know i'll be there for you right ? '

' i know that hyung '

Taehyung soon reached the street from where he can see  Jungkook waiting for him inside the cafe .

' i won't expect anything from you Jungkook ' Taehyung thought to himself and crossed the street to reach the cafe .

' Hey Tae '

' Hey Baby '

They both sat down .

' Tae hobi hyung and Jiminie were asking if we want to go clubbing with them tonight? '

' of course baby we can join them . Today Let's stay in cafe only ' Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded. 

They both were talking about how was their day today then suddenly Taehyung's mind went to the phone call he got from yoongi.

' baby ? '

' hmm? '

' As you wanna become an idol , you will be really busy right ? With training & all  and if you debut then you will be so busy ... right ? ' Taehyung asked .

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