Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Max sighed. He wishes he could be doing competitions and spending his time doing important things, but instead he's being sent back to Camp Campbell.

Max is 15 now, and the past five years he spent dancing.

Yes, you heard that right. Dance. It was his escape, and he's pretty good at it. It's basically the only place he's 100% nice. His teachers adore him.

He'd been taking classes since he was 4. When he turned 11, he finally was old enough to do competitive. He and his team almost always won first place (they all were very skilled) and Max had gotten many duets and solos over the years.

His studio, however, got set on fire right before the summer started. (No, Max didn't cause it.) Without enough time to try and join a different team as the building was being recovered, he was sent to Campbell with a hastily written "Max, 15,


No contact information, of course, but at least they got his camp down this time. He only hoped that no one would read it. Especially David.

He didn't know why he didn't want David to see it, but he just felt like it would cause some unnecessary drama.

To be completely honest, Max really took on the "male dancer" role. Most of his shirts and sweaters were either crop tops, partially see-through, frilled, casual competition garb, muscle shirts, or some combination of the above. He personally loved it, but he knew the campers would be... shocked. Because not only did he wear either very gay or very dancer-like outfits, his stature also got extremely feminine. His hips and legs were curvier than any guys' should be, even if only by a little, and his face was rounder. He still looked extremely masculine-he was born a male-but his muscles and abs could easily blend in with his smooth skin.

Putting on a black crop-top with black see-through sleeves and black, high-waisted jeans, (he swears he's not emo despite his eyebrow piercing and the small duds in his ears) Max headed outside with his luggage at his side.

He waited next to the bus stop, plopping his bags next to him. He only needed a small backpack when he was 10, but now required a large suitcase and small baggie (housing his bathroom utilities). Now thinking about it, he may have brought too many clothes, but he knows that the camp doesn't cover for camper shirts anymore (probably Campbell's doing) so he doesn't even have any extra shirts. He was actually sad to hear about it. He wanted to see how he could match the shirts to make an outfit. Oh well.

Anyways, Max knew that he wouldn't get any of his garments dirty. All of the campers wore basically the same 3 outfits every day, and despite getting them extremely messy all of the time, they never ended up with a single tear or stain after washing them. It was just one of those things that happened at Camp Campbell. Even if he did ruin any of his things, he wouldn't care. All of his things he did like he left at home.

His thoughts getting cut short, Max came face-to-face with a beaten down yellow bus. He inhaled deeply, stepping into the dirty thing.

The first thing he noticed was the people. Somehow, he knew each of them. He could easily identify the old campers.

First was Nerris, seated near the front of the bus across from Harrison. She was curvier, a tight shirt complimenting her leggings. She also appeared to have elf-ear-shaped earrings. There was nothing to note about Harrison, as he was wearing a similar suit and hat like he did back when Max first knew him. He did seem to grow a foot or two, more than Max ever could. Nerris was probably Max's height, if not a little bit taller as well.

Then was Space Kid. He was far more muscular and about the height of Harrison. He had on a NASA shirt with a pin from some event he must've gone to. He was talking to Dolph, who thankfully started to look less like Hitler as his hair became less organized and more jagged.

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